By Donna Westfall – January 25, 2021 – Picture credit of petitions piled on a table to California Patriot Coalition
1.5 million signatures of valid registered voters have to be submitted by mid March, 2021 in order to put the Recall of Gov. Newsom on the ballot. The count is currently at 1.2 million with six weeks left to go.
The picture of envelopes piled on top of a table was taken in December just before Christmas and represents just one day’s worth of mailed in recall petitions.
Locally, more and more lawn signs are popping up around town. Here’s one unique way to display a recall sign… on the back of a jeep.

Petitions are being circulated. Once signed, they can be dropped off at Republican Headquarters on the corner of 3rd and I Streets in downtown Crescent City. Or you can mail them in to:
California Patriot Coalition
P. O. Box 417030
Sacramento, Ca. 95841
If you have any questions about filling out the petition, you can download instructions at:
Paging Gov Arnold, white courtesy phone please.