Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Dear Donna,

In case you missed it, we wanted you to know about an important court victory we had for bees.

In a years-long legal battle, Earthjustice, representing a coalition of commercial beekeeping trade groups and individual commercial beekeepers, went up against big ag. And we won!

Earlier this fall, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in our favor and against the EPA’s approval of Dow AgroScience’s sulfoxaflor, a neonicotinoid pesticide shown to be highly toxic to bees. Because of this victory, sulfoxaflor will be coming off the market in the United States!

Hundreds of thousands of people like you wrote to the EPA to urge them to remove this toxic bee-killing pesticide. Our voices were heard.

This ruling proves, yet again, that the law may be our best chance to stop these deadly pesticides once and for all.

Even with this recent victory that will take Dow AgroScience’s bee-killing pesticide sulfoxaflor off the shelf… we still have so much to do, including:

  • Fight in court to ban other pesticides shown to be highly toxic to bees, including Valent U.S.A. Corporation’s Venom Insecticide, Mitsui Chemical Agro’s Dinotefuran 20SG
  • Call on the president to immediately suspend use of toxic-bee killing pesticides, take steps to curb their adverse impacts, and close a legal loophole that allows the insecticides to be sold before they are adequately assessed for safety
  • Stop the approval of any new bee-killing pesticides without analysis of environmental impacts or available alternatives
  • Take on other critical fights to protect the natural world

Learn more about this victory and our work!

Thank you for being a part of this,



Greg Loarie


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