Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – July 31 2021

According to an LA Times poll July 30th, Larry Elder is leading the pack of candidates running for Governor should Newsom be recalled.

Up until a month ago, I had never heard of Larry Elder. But now he’s all over the news. 69 years old. He lacks political experience, but has plenty of common sense and intelligence. His net worth is $16 million. Divorced with no children. His top three concerns:

  1. Crime
  2. Homelessness
  3. Public Education

One of my favorite expressions said by Elder is, “A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders.”

Of the six top contenders, only one is a Democrat and that would be Kevin Paffrath. At 29 years old, if elected, he would be the youngest governor ever in the State of California. His background: Born in Germany, but raised in the US from 18 months old. Currently lives and works in Ventura, Calif. He’s an investor and real estate investor. His net worth is reportedly $15 million. His platform:

DAY 1 of taking office:

  • State of Emergency: Ending Homelessness within 60 days.
  • State of Emergency: Housing Crisis: State to Take Over ALL Building and Safety/ Development for Expediting Building Permits IMMEDIATELY.
  • State of Emergency: Creating Future Schools to immediately provide a free path to financial, vocational, high school, and college education in ONE platform.
  • State of Emergency: Transportation: Immediately authorizing and requiring private proposals for tunnels, variable toll roads, mass transit, roads, and ending High-Speed-Rail Funding.
  • Too much regulation.

What I learned from watching his video’s. Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom own land that is being sold for the High Speed Rail. It’s costing taxpayers $125,000 a mile. And that Dianne Feinstein’s husband donated to Gavin Newsom. Mr. Feinstein is a contractor on the high speed rail.

He’s well spoken. Intense. Good looking. Ambitious. He appears he wants to change California for the better. He’s a Democrat that talks like a Republican. Probably the only Democrat candidate that has half a chance.

John Cox (66). There are three other articles about Cox from his run again Newsom in 2018. Both he and Kevin Falconer (54) both come from the San Diego area. More on them another time. Caitlyn Jenner needs no introduction.

2 thoughts on “If Newsom is recalled, Larry Elder leads the pack.”
  1. Since when do we take a poll as gospel? A radio announcer leads the pack? laughable, that’s like saying Paul Critz should run for governor because he has a radio show. In the meantime what has Kevin Kiley been doing? He has been suing the pants off of Newsome for all the 57 plus Executive Orders that he has executed on the public causing, isolation, distress, loss of jobs and suicide. Larry Elder can talk shit, so can I, but that does not qualify him to be a governor. People do your home work.

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