Tue. Feb 4th, 2025

By Investigative Reporter Linda Sutter – May 8, 2023

Monday, May 8, 2023, a 16 year old Foster Child in Del Norte County asked me to come into the courtroom today as her support person/advocate. As soon as I entered the room Jacqueline Roberts who is the Social Services Attorney objected to my presence. The Judge asked me to leave and I complied. However, it is time to let the public know what was not told to the judge.


At the age of 13, she was sent out of the county away from her friends and family members to Sherille Masi who lived on St. Andrews Court in Oakdale. Oakdale is located in Stanislaus County about an eight hour drive from Crescent City. Ms. Masi is a Nigerian and had 5 foster kids living with Sherille Masi during her stay. Three teenage boys, and two teenage girls. Sherille Masi would leave her residence in the early morning and not return until 9 or 10 pm at night leaving all kids alone.

During her stay at Sherille’s, she was raped by a boy from Del Norte County. She reported it to Sherille who did not report this to Social Services for fear of losing her license. As a foster parent you are mandated by law to report rape.  Also, during her stay at Sherille Masi’s she was required to take 60 mg. of prozac daily, more than what most adults take. Remember she was only 13 years old. She was also required to take .4 mg of Clonidine daily, 20mg of Lexapro daily, and 100 mg of Benadryl daily. 

Social Services made TWO contacts the entire time she was out of this county. None of the contacts were made in person even though they are supposed to visit once a month in person, but Social Services falsified their paperwork to reflect otherwise. Social Services also submitted reports to the Del Norte Superior Court that were incomplete. One of those forms that was continuously incomplete was form JV-223, Order on Application for Psychotropic Medication.  JV-218 was never completed, which was the child’s opinion about the medication. All these types of forms were signed by  Judge Cochran.

In fact when she requested on numerous occasions copies of her paperwork from social services  regarding her case, the social services would not provide it to her so she went to the courthouse and made the request under the California Public Records Act. When Social Services discovered she had received her paperwork, Katie Sanders, her Social Worker DEMANDED it back. Health and Human Services Director Rannell Brown stated it was against the law that she share her confidential paperwork with anyoneMs. Brown was apprised of the unreported rape and swept it under the rug instead of notifying the authorities.

The bottom line is this; had she not gotten her paperwork from the Del Norte Court Social Services Foster Program their corruptive practices would never have been revealed about the placing of Del Norte Children in horrible foster care situations.  Additionally, once she is released to return to her mother the Social Services can and probably will destroy all of her records according to Law.



Judge Cochran was presiding this case today. He told the foster child that she would be released to her mother in 2 weeks. However, I guess he didn’t read the part that made her a permanent prisoner of social services by making her a permanent dependent of Del Norte Juvenile Court. They offered the foster child’s mother reunification services which is another word for, “Do what we say or else.” 

The foster child is 16 years old to date, has straight A’s in school despite what has happened in her life. She no longer needs to be placed in the hands of this corruptive Del Norte County Juvenile Department in order for the Department to receive state money and keep this teen adult in impoverished conditions as well as suppress her ability to move forward without having to submit her time to a corruptive organization.


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