By Donna Westfall – August 13, 2024
Governor Newsom Hires $200K Personal Photographer – Taxpayers Fund Salary Amid Budget Crisis
This from Netter News. While the Golden State grapples with $47 BILLION deficit, Governor (Hair Gel) Newsom has put someone else on payroll – a photographer at $200,000 a year salary; almost as much as the Gov makes.

Meanwhile, locally our Harbor District which is on the brink of bankruptcy, approved Harbormaster Petrick’s new annual salary which will be $130,250, accompanied by a $4,127.50 bonus. Will the Harbor District have to take out a loan to fund this? Is that even legal? Why don’t you ask the four Harbor Commissioners that approved of it?

Homeless Encampment Bans:

So on June 28, 2024, the US Supreme Court ruled that communities can ban homeless encampments. This means that cities can arrest, cite and fine people who sleep outdoors on public property. This overturns the previous 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision of six years ago. As we drove around the city yesterday, we did not see any signs of homeless in Front Street Park. A big change from even a year ago.
Road Closures and Road Maintenance:

Front Street is having another segment completely torn up and repaired. It’s ultimately going to be the best road we have to drive on in our city. Now, if they could just do some of the other streets, wouldn’t that be great?
Last night the Fire Protection District held their board meeting at the Fire Hall on Washington Blvd. Linda Sutter and I were the only members of the public to attend. Not unusual. Four out of five Board Members were in attendance as well as Fire Chief Carey and Vanessa Duncan, Administrative Specialist.
Of particular interest was the Chief’s Report item # 6.2: Benefit Assessment Update. Voters will not have the opportunity to overturn this tax added to their property tax because the Proponent, Jaime Yarbrough, withdrew it from the ballot. His letter, we were told was prepared by Del Norte County Counsel.

Jaime was a member of the Board of Directors for the Crescent City-Del Norte County Taxpayer’s Association when he volunteered to be the proponent on the Measure. As Jaime did not resign from the Board, great distrust has been created wherein the other members of the board no longer want anything to do with him. A bond was broken.
In my public comment I mentioned that Jaime was a valued member of the Board as well as on staff with Crescent City Times. Honesty and trust are paramount with any team members whether it’s fighting fires or fighting taxes. We all feel betrayed by Jaime.
The only question that remains is whether or not promises were made or intentions were spelled out to Jaime regarding his becoming a part of Search and Rescue.