Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

Declan Waugh


Quick!  Someone run and tell Councilman Ron Gastineau to watch this video of Environmental Scientist, Declan Waugh.  (Cut and past this site to your browser…

For 50 years, Ireland has added fluoride to their drinking water.

They have the highest rates of Downs Syndrome in the world, high rates of neurological disease and epilepsy.
They have the highest rates of cancer, pulmonary disease of the European nations; and  500% increase in asthma since adding fluoride to their water….and they have the worse teeth in Europe!

Declan Waugh supports Aisling Fitzgibbons in her fight to have the National policy changed on fluoridation because they can’t change it at the local level like we did in Crescent City.

The Girl Against Fluoride, Aisling Fitzgibbons

“When I was 19 I began to suffer with depression and fatigue. I ended up going to a doctor who prescribed anti-depressant medication. While taking medication I was functioning but I never felt well and healthy.  When I was 23 I finished training as an Occupational Therapist and graduated with a first class honors degree. At that point I was fit to collapse, I didn’t have any periods in 4 years and I didn’t have the energy to even apply for a job. I ended up having a consultation with a nutritionist called Barbara Wren in the UK. One of the first things Barbara said to me was “are you aware that your water is fluoridated”? I only thought fluoride was in toothpaste I never knew it was in our water. I was advised to stop using fluoridated water as it causes damage to the thyroid gland and the central nervous system, which can lead to depression/anxiety/fatigue. I came off all medication and consumed only fluoride free water and a diet rich in organic fruits, vegetables and good quality protein such as wild and organic fish, chicken and eggs. I included a range of mineral and vitamin supplements to re-nourish and detox my body and carried out different detox techniques such as coffee enemas. Within 7 months I was fully better and ready to take on the world. I did some fund-raising to bring Barbara over to give seminars on natural healing in my home town of Tralee, Co.Kerry. When I brought Barbara back to the airport she said to me “if you do one thing for Ireland, get the fluoride out of the water”.  That was in May of 2011. After that moment my mum and I began studying the fluoride literature and the more we learned the more we were disgusted that this poison has been added to our water supply and yet hardly anyone knows about it yet alone the risk it poses to their health.  My mum, Martha, who is a secondary school teacher, started a fluoride project with a group of transition year students in 2011. I worked behind the scenes doing research and helping run information events. We lobbied Kerry County Council and they in turn voted to end fluoridation. However we then learned that councils have no power to end this policy as it is mandatory by national law. The next step was to present to TDs in the Dail. During my visit to the Dail I met with an independent TD from Donegal, Thomas Pringle. Thomas advised that we could be campaigning for a very long time and that in his view the only way to end fluoridation is a take a court case against the Irish state to overturn the policy.  I set out to find a legal team to represent my case on a pro bono basis. The solicitor I found recommended that in order for the case to succeed I would have to build a massive public awareness campaign and to get everyone talking about fluoride.”


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