Wed. Mar 12th, 2025
The intent of Measure A was to stop the use of our water supply as a drug delivery system. Currently, fluorosilicic acid – AKA: fluoride – is the drug being administered to every man, woman and child, whether it’s wanted or not. Usually there’s this thing called informed consent, where the doctor administering the drug explains the drug’s effects and side effects, allowing the patient to make the decision whether they want to take the drug or not. There is no doctor in the case of fluoridation. No one is asking if you want this drug, no one is explaining the side effects or monitoring health effects.
Fluoride is regulated by the FDA as a drug, but by the EPA as an “acutely hazardous waste.” So which is it, drug or hazardous waste? It’s both. When used to affect or alter the mental or physical condition of the human body, it’s a drug. When it’s dumped into the environment it’s hazardous waste. So either way you look at it, it has no business being added to our drinking water. As far as it being safe to consume, no agency will state such. There is not one single safety study using fluorosilicic acid!
Adding fluorosilicic acid to the water is being compared to fortifying milk with vitamin D or orange juice with vitamin C. But is it really the same? Indeed, it is not. Vitamins C and D are essential to good health. Fluorine, or fluorosilicic acid, is not essential and is not a vitamin. And we are not fortifying our water with only fluorine; there are other contaminants in fluorosilicic acid such as arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium, chromium, etc. While a person might become deficient in vitamin D or C, no one is ever deficient in fluorine, mercury, arsenic or lead, so we do not need to fortify our water with such things.
What about lithium? It’s a drug used to treat bipolar disorder and other depressive conditions. Why not add lithium to our water supply? As crazy as that may sound, researchers in Oita Japan have discovered small amounts of lithium in the water reduces the occurrence of suicide. Discussions are already underway to study the issue further, as is the debate of whether or not to add lithium to our water supply. Lithium, like fluorine, is an element found in nature and in small amounts will not cause harm. But should you be forced to ingest it through your drinking water? Where does it end?
Water is our most precious resource that we should safeguard from contaminants and ensure that every person has access to clean, safe water as we can possibly provide. Using it as a drug delivery system is not only against any ethical medical code, but it is also undemocratic in that those who do not wish to consume such drugs/contaminants should not be forced to do so against their will.
Clean, safe drinking water should be our right.

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