Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Opinion and Commentary By Donna Westfall – November 6, 2024 – Credit to Redbubble for Word Salad Picture

I’m watching VP Kamala Harris give her concession speech and 90% of it is BULL. The only thing I believe is 1.) that they accept the results of this election and she states 2.) there will be a peaceful transfer of power come January 20, 2025. Other than that, she’s of the ilk that everything she stood for still stands and they will continue fighting. Way to go to unite a nation, right?

I had no respect for the woman when she was in California politics as Attorney General or as Senator. Her performance as Vice President certainly didn’t win any medals. Matter of fact, I believe Biden/Harris are the worst leaders of our country in my lifetime.

Watching her these last few months with over a BILLION dollars in donations, one has to wonder about our nation. Why would almost half of our voting nation want an incompetent, lying, nasty name-calling, advocate for baby killing who could barely or rarely answer a straight question to lead our nation?

Fortunately, her concession speech was short. Hopefully, she will refrain from politics in the future and we won’t have to deal with her any longer. I hope “word salad” also becomes obsolete in the very near future and that politicians will learn a valuable lesson. If asked a direct question, answer the darn question.

The Democratic Party used to stand for the party of the working class. This meant the predominantly white working class. These days, the American working class is also comprised of Latino’s, Blacks, Asians, Arabs and Muslims and they are none to happy with the economy either. I recall as a kid working on JFK’s presidential campaign, that when he won, we had such hope for the future of our nation.

With this unprecedented election putting Trump back into the White House on January 20, 2025 realize that during these two months of transition before the inauguration, a lot is going to take place. Once again, I predict we have reason to hope that he will be able to turn things around. Hope is a wonderful emotion.

I can’t wait to see how the war in Ukraine will be resolved. Similarly, I’m eager to witness how the war in the Middle East will be resolved. What will Trump do with Jack Smith? What about all the “lawfare” he had to deal with. Those crooked judges? Those crooked attorneys? How will he be able to deport all those millions of illegal aliens? How long will it take to become energy independent again? And on and on and on. It boggles the mind. But it looks like this time around he will have loyal and smart people on his cabinet. Just looking at his VP elect, Vance, it’s amazing that he shifted his opinion of Trump so dramatically. If he stays the course, he will be one very effective Vice President.

** Let’s turn our attention to the state of California. So disappointed on so many levels, but here’s some good news from Carl DeMaio of Reform California:

“First, on my own race, I’m so grateful that voters in the 75th Assembly District for giving me a landslide victory with 60% of the vote! The Sacramento Swamp spent over $3.5 million against me, but the voters have given me a mandate to take our entire Reform California movement ‘inside the belly of the beast’ and help create a caucus of true principled fighters! I can’t wait to get to work!

Our Reform California “Plain English” Voter Guide had a record-number of unique downloads this year and its impact is being seen in key races across the state:


  • Save Prop 13 / Defeat Prop 5: WE DID IT! We saved Prop 13 from being gutted by winning 56% of the vote for the NO side.
  • Prop 36: We won 71% of the vote to Make Crime Illegal Again!
  • Prop 32 and 33: Both of these inflation-spiking ballot measures are currently being defeated.
  • Props 2 and 4: Unfortunately, the two boondoggle bonds seem to be passing – but despite our side being outspent 30-to-1, we kept the bonds to just 55% of the vote.”

** Another delightful election result: Kevin Kiley has been re-elected for the 3rd Congressional District. Keep up the good works, Kevin.

Lastly, look at our local elections in Del Norte County:

  • I’m disappointed that Linda Sutter did not win a seat on the Harbor Commission since she was a major voice bringing to our attention all the rotten things taking place down at the Harbor.
  • I’m happy that County Measures “H” and “I” did not pass. Property owners can breathe a sigh of relief probably until the next election.

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