Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

From Jesse Salisbury  – June 29, 2017 – One officer shot in the shoulder while shooting and apprehending perpetrator.  This took place on Washington Blvd. near the Fire Station. Stay away from the area while medical personnel enter the scene.

More details:

Per Jesse,  “Two suspects in a vehicle registered to a couple from Eureka were stopped on Washington.  They both ran. The female was immediately caught, and the male led them on a chase through the bushes. The police surrounded the area and the guy started shooting hitting an officer in the shoulder. He fired multiple shots but was hit by police who then took him into custody.”

  1. It just doesn’t make sense shooting at the police.
    That’s attempting suicide and homicide at the same time

  2. Our Police force has been very taxed lately…we had an incident in the Bertsch tract yesterday where at least 3 vehicles from sheriff department arrived and 2 from Parks….prayers to their families.

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