Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Opinion and Commentary By Donna Westfall – June 19, 2023

Our California legislature, predominantly Democrats, apparently think nothing of rising crime rates in our once beautiful state.

One would think that watching the demise of San Francisco; under Democratic rule for decades, would give them pause for thought. But San Francisco, the 17th largest city in the US has more and more businesses moving out. They last had a Republican Mayor in 1964. And, of course, having Gavin Newsom as Governor puts the kibosh on this state ever regaining it’s former glory.

Today, our neighborhood was celebrating. County personnel were there taking out trash and furniture from a home that had been invaded by squatters a year ago. Known for their drug use and drug dealing, theft and vandalism, it only took a year to finally kick out all the squatters. Some were put in jail. Usually we would see their offenses drop from felonies to misdemeanors and typical of catch and release, they would be back in the house in short order further decreasing the value of the neighborhood.

The house is being boarded up. We’re wondering how long it will take these squatters to crawl back into the house. It’s been happening around town. Nothing new here.

Meanwhile, our California legislature is proposing SB 533. California Democrats propose SB 553 putting shop owners and their employees on notice. SB 533 would allow prosecutors to charge crime victims with crimes for just confronting shoplifters! 

Did you read that right?

Charge crime victims for confronting shoplifters? Are they nuts? I believe the answer to that is resoundingly YES!

What do you suppose will happen?

I believe we will see less and less law and order. More and more crime. How in the world can this be turned around? Poverty, unemployment, homelessness and inflation. I don’t see it getting any better.

Carl DeMaio, Chairman of Reform California says, “The crazy SB 553 law should also serve as a wake-up call for our local Republican central committees to redouble their efforts to recruit and support tough-on-crime candidates for Sheriff, District Attorney, Superior Court judgeships, and local government positions that make decisions on police funding. That’s why our campaign is focused on helping central committees do this important candidate recruitment and support!

I truly believe CA Democrats have over-reached with these crazy moves to turn crime victims into criminals in California – and that presents an election opportunity.”

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