By David Olkowski – January 28, 2025
Dear Congressman Huffman;
I have been having problems with my mail and shipping (USPS, UPS, and FedEx) since about 9/11, when I moved to Del Norte County, Calif, but that’s a long story.
I want to tell you about the problems that I am having with the Post Office now. Frontier Corp is accusing me of paying my phone bills late, more than nine (9) days after I mail them. (Frontier Corp is just as bad as the Post Office but that’s another letter). The doors in the lobby of the Crescent City Post Office have been broken for about four (4) months according to staff. The cost for my small P.O. Box is approaching $200 per year.
Would you please halt the destruction of our publicly owned postal system.
Note: Sent to Huffman’s office at 317 3rd St, Suite 1
Eureka, Ca. 95501
(707) 671 7449
A copy of this letter was also sent to Sen. Mike McGuire
1036 5th St
Eureka, Ca. 95501
(707) 464 1255
NOTE BY EDITOR: David Olkowski is not in favor of privatizing the postal system.