Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

By Anonymous – August 31, 2024


In a recent development that has raised eyebrows and sparked controversy, the local  Republican Central Committee has come under fire for allegedly violating the Political Reform Act. The situation involves around the questionable actions of Tonya Pearcey, the acting president of the Republican Central Committee, who is accused of selectively distributing candidate endorsement packets, thus undermining the integrity of the endorsement process.

Tonya Pearcey

According to Pearcey, she received orders from Karen Sanders former President, who now resides over 3000 miles away from Del Norte County, to send endorsement packets to all Republican Candidates.  However, it has come to light that Pearcey did not fulfill this directive as intended. Instead, she allegedly sent endorsement packets to only three candidates out of four candidates, Specifically, those who Sanders favored.

Karen Sanders

The most reliable omission was Harbor Candidate Linda Sutter, who did not receive an endorsement packet. When confronted about this, Pearcey initially claimed that all Republican Candidates  had been sent the necessary materials via email. However, when asked to provide proof of sending the packet to Sutter, Pearcey backtracked, admitting, “Oh, I guess I didn’t send it. Oh well, it’s a done deal now.”

This revelation has raised serious concerns about the transparency and fairness of the endorsement process within the local GOP. The deliberate exclusion of a candidate from the endorsement process not only violates the principles of fair play but also  breaches the Political Reform Act, which is designed to ensure that voters have equitable access to all candidates.

The situation has also cast doubt on Pearcey’s suitability to public office. Pearcey, who is currently acting as the president of the Republican Central Committee, has filed papers to run for a position on the Health District Board. Critics argue that if she is willing to engage in such questionable practices over candidate endorsements, it raises the question of what she might do if elected to a more significant role.

Adding the controversy is the role of Karen Sanders, who, despite no longer residing in California, appears to wield significant influence over the local GOP’s  endorsement process. Her continued involvement in the committee’s affairs from afar has led to questions about the appropriateness and legality of her influence.

As the situation unfolds, it has become increasingly clear that the local GOP needs to reassess its practices and commitment to fairness. The blatant disregard  for the Political Reform Act and the principles of transparency has left many questioning the integrity of those in leadership positions within the party. The actions of Pearcey and Sanders serve as a stark reminder of the importance of accountability and the need for common sense in political processes.

  1. Linda, I’m venturing a guess that you wrote this column. There is no doubt you should have received a packet if they were handed out. It seems the best way to handle that would be through the Registrar when election papers are filed. Don’t know what happened there.
    What I do know is that no one is perfect. Maybe there was a simple error in sending out. When you asked about the packet, did they give you one?
    You write often about how screwed up this county is. Attacking fellow Republicans via social media that share your core values is not a recommended way to go about working towards fixing it.

    1. Attacking Republicans isn’t the way to go about resolving their corrupt practices? HA…
      The person’s responsible are Karen Sanders AND Tonya Pearcey. If they don’t like the smear of their corrupt practices then they should do the right thing. It just goes to show how vindictive they are towards strong women who make a difference in the community. It also goes to show particularly in this county that if you’re not married you’re disparately treated as an outcast for years. Let’s show their true colors instead of turning a blind eye and quietly sweeping it under the rug. It’s just like when a former director of Harrington house filed sexual harassment against Scott Feller a Republican President of the Central Committee. Karen Sanders was instrumental in covering this case up. Scott Feller moved, Sanders became central committee President, the former director got paid, and the corruption continues with Tonya Pearcey. If the local Republicans don’t like to see their dirty laundry aired in a public forum maybe they should straighten up and turn their inmate knitted caps in for a crown.

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