Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – November 8, 2023

Posted this morning on “”:

“I am not a new face to the DNRCC, but I am new to the position. I have been politically active since 2016 and served as the Central Committee Treasurer prior to becoming Chair.

I grew up in Crescent City and have spent more than 30 years here on and off, returning in 2007. I am a retired Registered Nurse. I have three grown children and 8 grandchildren. I have been on the Del Norte Healthcare District Board for the last three years. I also teach Sunday School to 8 -11 year-olds at Redwoods Family Worship Center for the last 12 years.

My values and core principles align with those of the DNGOP. I will strive to stay within those guidelines, working to increase voter turnout, promote conservative values, and, as Karen would say, “Electing Common Sense”.

Sadly, Karen Sanders relocated with her family, leaving a vacancy, to which I was voted. She left very big shoes to fill and will be missed dearly by us and many in the community.”

We congratulate Tonya and wish her the best.


Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric attacks launched by Hamas and other terrorists.

WHEREAS On October 7, a rocket attack perpetrated by the terrorist organization, Hamas, began to hit major cities including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Within the hour, Hamas fighters poured into Israeli territory. They viciously and cruelly targeted civilians, kidnapping, killing, and leaving a trail of terror; and

WHEREAS The Hamas attacks have targeted both Israeli Jews and Arabs, undermining the peaceful coexistence and harmony that must undergird any resolution to the ongoing political conflict; and

WHEREAS The Committee recognizes the importance of supporting the State of Israel, a democratic nation that shares our values of freedom, democracy, and human rights, in its efforts to protect its citizens from acts of terrorism and ensure their safety and security; and

WHEREAS The Committee affirms the inalienable human rights enshrined in our nation’s constitution of freedom, liberty, and the right to protect its country at all costs.

BE IT RESOLVED that on October 18, 2023, the Del Norte Republican Central Committee hereby unequivocally condemns the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel and its citizenry. 

Signed:  Chair   Tonya Pearcey

               Vice-Chair Angela Greenough

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