Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

Opinion and Commentary By Donna A. Westfall – July 27, 2024

We’ve subscribed to Netflix for a number of years and have enjoyed having such a wide range of movies to choose from.

But here’s the thing. Today I read an article about the Founder and former Co-CEO of Netflix donating $7 million to a super PAC (Political Action Committee) that supports Kamala Harris’s campaign for President.

Since I rarely take anyone’s word, I had to research this. Here’s what I found:

Wilmot Reed Hastings Jr. was born in 1960 and is the founder and former Co-CEO of Netflix along with Marc Randolph. He is a billionaire and currently holds the title as Executive Chairman of Netflix eligible for $500,000 year base salary + nearly $3 million in stock options. He goes by Reed Hastings.

He’s been called a Democratic megadonor. After the Trump-Biden debate he said that Biden needs to step aside. Initially he did not support Harris, but flipped almost the next day and made the decision to donate $7 million to the PAC.

Incidentally, salaries for employees can range from $35,000 to $400,000. They’re based in Los Gatos, California. Apparently, they are a good company to work for. Hastings has certainly earned his place in the history books for his entrepreneurship. Thursday’s share price was $636.

Now if he were a Republican and wanted to donate to a PAC that supported Trump I would have no problem with that. But that’s not the case. Hastings supports a politician that I think stinks.

I thought Kamala Harris was lousy as an Attorney General for the State of California.

I thought Kamala Harris was lousy as a Senator for California.

And, I think she’s lousy as Vice President under the worst President in my lifetime, Biden.

Bottom line, if you think we’ve lost freedoms under Biden, if crime is more rampant, interests rates too high, inflation the worst in 40 years, then practically deserting our allies, then just think what life would be like under President Harris.

Doug and I are going to have some interesting conversations about whether or not we would be willing to continue to support Netflix. I’m leaning towards canceling our membership. I’m sure this would not make a dent in Hastings net worth. But, it’s one small action that can be taken.

3 thoughts on “Netflix and Kamala Harris. How Do You Feel About This?”
  1. ABC, CBS, NBC are pushing the Harris Agenda. So let’s recap Ms. Harris’ career. As Attorney General she bragged how with a stroke of her pen could send people through hell for a misdemeanor. She managed to create prop 47 that caused the smash and grab law. She openly stated she would make it mandatory to buy back weapons, she was raised by parents who are true Marxist. Listen to her words, she wants to take private insurance away from the consumer and force Medicare on everyone. She is specifically speaking about the 11 million plus illegal aliens that have crossed our borders. She posted bail on people involved with the riots that burned down multiple cities for black lives matter. She recently announced how she will make it federal law to control price gauging at the grocery store. Which is another communist point of view. By the way, the only way to get our economy back is drill baby drill. Imagine Harris in the presence of China, Russia, or Iran leaders? That is a disaster waiting to happen. Look how she turned her back on Israel.

    How about Walz her choice of VP. Walz the Governor of Minnesota allowed businesses to be burned down and took no control over it. During covid he had officers walk the streets at night with paint ball guns to shoot people if they were outside of their house. He jailed an elderly lady who owned a coffee shop and kept it opened during covid. He jailed her for 60 days. And let’s not forget how he enhanced his career as an army major. These two will surely destroy our country to the point where America will cease to exist as a country.

  2. Anna I agree Harris is an evil women, lier, lets hope people see this in her an vote her out.
    PS so is her running mate being military we also see him as evil, every one should be careful who they vote for they will loose rights to raise their chridren.

  3. I immediately cancelled my subscription to Netflix. Harris is an evil woman and does not deserve political office of any kind.

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