Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

By Kevin Kiley – June 14, 2023

Yesterday, I questioned Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra about his Department’s policy of mandating masks for two-year-old children. The clip, which you can watch here, has produced quite a response.

It’s been viewed millions of times online, aired on Fox News, and shared by the likes of Jordan Peterson. Becerra’s unbelievable response – at first denying, then dodging, and finally refusing to disavow – captured everything wrong with the COVID era in a nutshell.

That Becerra is the former Attorney General of California, where COVID insanity was at its peak, makes his bumbling bureaucratic non-answers an even more fitting symbol of the cruelty and senselessness with which children were treated for years.  

In addition, Becerra refused four times to admit he supported student vaccine mandates – even though he is on the record doing just that. A few weeks ago, Education Secretary Cardona outright denied his own prior support for child mandates.

False testimony to Congress is, of course, an extremely serious matter. The blatant dishonesty of Administration Cabinet officials tells you how desperate they are to rewrite history and avoid accountability. I don’t plan on letting them.

Meanwhile, I am working to assure the COVID era is never repeated. First, I am co-sponsoring the ARTICLE ONE Act to automatically terminate a national emergency after 30 days unless Congress votes to extend it.

Second, I made the case on the House Floor against Biden’s appointment of Dr. Mandy Cohen as the new director of the CDC. Dr. Cohen is a Fauci disciple who imposed some of the most draconian lockdowns and mandates in the country.

Kevin Kiley is a California Congressman

2 thoughts on “Never Again”
  1. Mr Bieber you’re so correct, lets not forget to give the White House a great big “F” on all levels.

  2. We’re very fortunate the likes of Mr. Kiley keep American Freedom a possibility.
    Unfortunately, it appears Del Norte County is the “Guinea Pig”, for liberal emergency power-imposed policy. Del Norte resembles more communist policies, rather than the independent County we should be.
    Local sovereign public officials were completely WRONG, and would receive an “F” grade for their Covid response.
    They would get an “F”, if they hadn’t already ruined the concept of excellence or failing.
    Del Norte County Fiscal Year Ending 22/23 Report Card
    * Health Care- F
    * Education- F
    * Adult Care- Truant
    * Private Industry Economy- Below Standard
    * Gas prices- Highest of lower 48 states
    * Price of Food- Cost is greater than inflation rate
    * Country/ County Pride- D

    But, Government has the answer:
    We’re Mentally Ill.
    And, Social Services are available.

    No law North of Klamath!

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