Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

By Samuel Strait, Reporter at Large – May 8, 2021

I would like to announce that a recent, like tonight, email has been
received announcing the reopening of “The Grotto” a popular night spot
and restaurant in Granada, Spain, patronized by yours truly several
times while in Granada, has reopened its doors to the displeasure of
local authorities. 

No reason or further explanation was given, except for an invitation to partake in its delights. 

My wife and I spent about four weeks in Spain about five years ago and we still get news from The
Grotto about various events that we may be interested in joining.  Ther ewas a noticeable gap between March of 2020 and now, but it seems that they are BACK.  They do not seem to understand that the distance has
become rather daunting, but optimism reigns supreme at The Grotto. 

If anyone happens to be in Granada, Spain, something that does not appear
to be possible for US residents currently, it is a happening place and a
grand time for anyone who enters its doors.

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