Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, August 31st, 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Would Gavin Newsom cheat to survive the Gubernatorial Recall election on September 14th, 2021? It seems that his Secretary of State, Shirley Weber, appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom on January 18th 2021, has just the right tool to accomplish this task.

I recommend the August 8th, 2021 article by Katy Grimes, Editor for the California Globe (, California Secretary of State Devises ‘Print-Your-Own Ballot From Home’ Program.

It seems that the “Remote Accessible Vote By Mail” (RAVBM) System has been in existence since the November 2020 elections. This is a system that allows voters to access and fill out an online ballot, print it out, and submit it through the US Mail. The ballot may either be sent using the envelope accompanying the official ballot sent to them; or in a standard envelope with appropriate postage!

According to Grimes, “The Secretary of State’s Office currently has four certified RAVBM systems:

#1. Five Cedars Group Alternate Format Ballot v5.2.1

#2. Democracy Live Secure Select 1.2.2

#3. Dominion Voting Systems Dominion ImageCast Remote 5.10A

#4. Los Angeles County Voting Solution for All People Interactive Sample Ballot 2.5”

There seems to be no restrictions against multiple ballots being printed, or against these ballots being dropped off as opposed to mailed. There also seems to be no guidelines about how these ballots will be verified or who will be responsible for assuring they are valid.

So, we not only have fraud laden mail-in ballots; but also print at home ballots with little if any accountability. Our California Secretary of State is promoting the  RAVBM System for use during the September 14th Recall Election; but it has been around since 2020. How many RAVBM ballots were returned in 2020? How many of those RAVMB ballots were cast for Biden and Harris?

We have all heard of the deadly boondoggle in Afghanistan. At this critical time, we have Joe Biden traveling to California to rally support for Governor Newsom, and the Democrats in Congress still on Recess, playing on the monkey-bars.

Here in Del Norte County, there will be a rally in support of Governor Newsom’s Recall starting at 1 pm Sunday, September 5th, 2021. The Demonstration will be held at the corner of Highway 101 South and Elk Valley Road. Groups in attendance will include our local Tea Party, Moms For Liberty, Crescent City/Del Norte Taxpayers Association, along with other Home Schooling, Tax Protest, Election Integrity, and Anti-Mandatory Vaccination Groups.

All patriotic members of the community are encouraged to attend. This will be a chance for all local conservative groups to meet and network with one-another for the common good of Crescent City, Del Norte County and surrounding areas. Bring your own signs, flags, banners, costumes, and brochures. We need to fight California corruption and fraud while we still have a chance. I also encourage all local patriots to become Election Observers on September 14th,. The Newsom camp will be making every effort to remain in power, and we need to be vigilant for cheating.

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