Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

My letter is to give out information to parents in Del Norte. If you have a child that has been tested for a learning problem and given a 504 accommodation plan and is still not doing well in classes, you can contact Ms. Vervilos through the Del Norte District School Office and she may be able to help you. You can also contact Superintendent Don Olson at the district office.

Federal law says “No  Child Left Behind” and that is why kids are tested and have 504 plans. If your child has a 504 plan they are supposed to get help to learn and should not be getting failing grades.

On the flip side, if your child is not doing well in school and you don’t know why — have them tested for a hearing problem.

Not everyone learns the same way, so let’s make sure all the kids learn.

Shirley Dollahite

Crescent City

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