By Roger Gitlin – EYE ON DEL NORTE – October 18, 2021 – including just a fraction of the pictures that were taken
Recognition and congratulations to ALL you Parents of Freedom- California Parents And Teachers Against Mandates who observed today’s one day walkout against the State mandate to Covid 19 vaccinate your children as requirement for enrollment.
You sent a resounding message to State, County, City-elected, School Districts and teachers. You hit’em in the pocketbook. Bravo!!

In Del Norte County, the boycott was emphatically successful.

Parents and grandparents met at the Hiouchi Cafe to send this loud and clear message: Parents are in control, not the State or any of our local schools regarding our kids.

I understand a Freshman English class at Del Norte High which has a 35 pupil class size attracted only ten students, this morning.
State revenue to the DNUSD was reduced because of parents who pulled their kids of of class today. Some very petty Certificated staff scheduled quizzes and tests today that students could not make up, thus resulting in a Fail grade for the student. The intent was to intimidate parents and children from participating in the Walk-Out. Give an “F” grade to the shameful teachers who employed this disgusting tactic. I say some of the Certificated staff. Many of you reading this post are teachers who disagree with this unreasonable Mandate.
Many parents I spoke with also expressed their extreme unhappiness with the sex education curriculum in grades 7-12.
I invite you to a very important meeting by the Citizen Oversight Committe on the imprudent spending on the four School Facilities Bonds noted on your just-received property tax bill.
Angelina Countess-Bieber will report these disturbing practices at the DNSUD Boardroom on Washington Blvd, Friday, October 22 at 3:00 PM. We will see you there.
Petty vindictive teachers have been around for quite awhile. Parents need to take names and expose such human detriment in public. It would nice to see a list of these miscreants.