Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

By Mark Meuser – December 14, 2021

One of the most critical parts of the War for Independence was not George Washington beating the British bayonets. It was stopping the British printers from devaluing the Continental dollar with counterfeit currency. Most know about the heroic efforts by Washington and the Army to stand up against the Redcoats. However, very few know of the secret battle waged to stop the devaluing of the dollar.

The British plan was simple – destroy the United States by eroding the buying power of a dollar. The British would print these counterfeit dollars in New York and then send loyalists throughout the country to buy valuable goods with fake money. By flooding the market with counterfeit money, the dollar’s value would plummet, and the confidence in the Continental Congresses ability to pay its bills would diminish. If the dollar were worthless, no one would serve in the Army, thus making it easy for the British Redcoats to subdue this country.

The crime of devaluing the dollar was so severe that George Washington ordered those circulating counterfeit dollars to be hung.

Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden are spending money today that the United States does not have. The consequence is that the nation is now spending one out of every seven tax dollars on interest payments.

The United States’ debt has now crossed 29 trillion. When you look at both the funded and unfunded liabilities of the United States, the current liability per person is $484,957.

Yes, you read that right. Because Congress refuses to balance its budget, your national debt liability is close to half a million dollars. If the United States did not spend another dollar until we paid off this debt, it would take us seven years to become debt-free.

The United States Constitution defines Treason as “giving [our enemies] Aid and Comfort.” As Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden drive up the national debt, the amount of money we spend on interest goes up, and the less money that future generations will have to spend on protecting this country from our enemies. Remember that raising and supporting armies is one of the few enumerated duties of Congress.

Today’s reckless spending means it will be more difficult for tomorrow’s Congress to raise and support armies to protect us from our enemies. The long-term effect of a devalued dollar caused Washington to execute those involved because they were enemies of the state trying to win the war through fiscal policy.

I would argue that when Congress fails to balance its budget year after year, it is providing aid and comfort to our enemies. Forty-nine states already have provisions requiring that they balance their budgets. Since Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden are refusing to prioritize this nation’s long-term safety, it is critical that after the 2022 Red Wave election, the 118th Congress immediately pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution.

I would argue that when Congress fails to balance its budget year after year, it is providing aid and comfort to our enemies. Forty-nine states already have provisions requiring that they balance their budgets. Since Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden are refusing to prioritize this nation’s long-term safety, it is critical that after the 2022 Red Wave election, the 118th Congress immediately pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution.

Mark Meuser is a Republican running for U.S. Senate, California

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