Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025
The Board of Supervisors meeting this Tuesday, March 11th, starts at 10 a.m.  Supervisor comments will take place between 10 and about 10:20.  I expect some of the Supervisors to discuss Critical Access.  Public comment on the issue will likely start about 10:30.  I will be in surgery, but I will watch the meeting as soon as it is posted on the County web site.  If you or anyone you know can attend and provide public comment, that would be great.
Thanks as always for helping get the word out on your news publication.  Your commitment to getting stories out which other media refuse to print is commendable. There is a group with a similar mission at Sonoma State University, led by Peter Phillips, called Project Censored.  They report on worldwide stories which mainstream media does not, or will not, cover.  Project censored was kind enough to publish one my newsletters on the hospital.  Here is the link:
They publish many important stories, regardless of political correctness, as do you.
Dr. Greg Duncan
Crescent City, Ca.

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