Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

By Linda Sutter – January 15, 2021

During the Board of Supervisors meeting held on January 12, Tuesday on Zoom, Consent Agenda Item# 17 stated the following;

Approve and authorize the Department of Health and Human Services to accept an anonymous donation of two ultra-low temperature freezers for use of vaccine storage and distribution as requested for use of vaccine storage and distribution as requested by the Director of Health Human Services, Heather Snow.

This was brought up to the Board of Supervisors that this was considered a Brown Act violation but Chairman Chris Howard and the other Board of Supervisors refused to discuss this matter and rubber stamped this item.

Although County Code 4.7 states it is allright to accept and receive fixed donations it does not include anonymous donations. Why should we be concerned you may ask? Because Anonymous Donations cannot be accepted by any government entity. What is tied to this deal and the anonymous donor? Was Quid Pro Quo involved? What is Quid Pro Quo? 

Quid Pro Quo is  (“something for something”) is a Latin phrase used in English to mean an exchange of goods or services, in which one transfer is contingent upon the other; “a favor for a favor”….

 With that said, Heather Snow has a propensity of making serious mistakes.  She ended a contract with a former landlord which cost the County thousands of Dollars and the most recent was spending $1.8 million dollars on a motel for the homeless, which was money received from Gov. Newsom who got caught spending Billions of dollars that was supposed to be for CARES (Covid) but misappropriated for Hotels.

In fact those freezers were already accepted prior to it being placed on the Agenda and rubber stamped. 

So what did Heather Snow do this time Quid Pro Quo? Whose back is she scratching, for how much, behind what barn and who is benefitting from this deal? Were vaccines for the whole family promised? No one knows, but a cure and correct letter will be sent to Del Norte County Counsel soon.

Another item on the consent agenda that was rubber stamped with no explanation was item 15.  Review and Approve the Del Norte County Treasurer’s  2021 Statement of Investment Authority to the County Treasurer as requested by the Treasurer -Tax Collector.

The County Treasurer-Tax Collector, Brenda Lopez, wanted to disband the treasury oversight committee as it is no longer needed. And the Government code 27031 states she can do it but legislatures recommended although it is an option, the Legislature encourages local agencies to continue taking the action formerly mandated. However, nothing in this subdivision may be construed to impose any liability on a local agency that does not continue to take the formerly mandated action.

In other words, there are no consequences for disbanding the oversight committee however, as corrupt as Del Norte County has been these past few months, why would you want to invoke suspicion that demonstrates no transparency especially with growing concerns demonstrating lack of trust from the public?

Finally, for those of you who do not know about Daisy Chain meetings, this appears to be a common practice among the supervisors.  It was reported that prior to the meeting of January 12, Chris Howard called the new supervisors to tell them how to vote for the new chair which was himself.

This again demonstrates just how much corruption is going on behind the scenes of our local government. And we wonder why we question Quid Pro Quo? This was a common word in 2019 and 2020. Remember President Trump was accused of Quid Pro Quo. Maybe Heather Snow and Chris Howard have something in common with Trump after all.

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