Tue. Mar 11th, 2025
By Brigette Gabriel – September 13, 2024
During the recent presidential debate, Vice President Harris boasted of the administration’s recent immigration efforts, claiming a significant reduction in illegal southern border crossings as a result. However, a deeper look reveals a heinous cover-up and conspiracy against Americans!

Harris left unsaid the role of the Biden-Harris administration’s secretive agreements with Panama, where migrants are pre-screened and flown directly into the U.S. under “Temporary Protected Status.” This clever maneuver shifts the narrative, allowing these migrants to be labeled as “lawfully present,” thus lowering the official count of illegal border crossings. Shameless!

Last June, President Biden signed an executive order supposedly aimed at curbing asylum abuse designed to help Harris appear tough on Border Security in the 41st month of office. At the same time, however, a deal with Panama’s president allowed for the mass processing of migrants through camps at the Darian Gap, followed by direct flights into the U.S. The migrants are flown into battleground states, keeping them out of sight from the border encounter statistics, effectively reducing the reported numbers used by the media.

The Biden-Harris administration’s manipulation of the numbers, including the CBP One app, which conceals at least 30,000 migrants monthly, now includes creative accounting through their Panama scheme, which accounts for over half a million entries annually.

Under Trump, the average monthly encounters at the border were around 38,000. In stark contrast, the Biden-Harris administration’s “reduced” numbers still average over 200,000 monthly this year.

The July 2023 figure of 104,000, which Harris touted as a success, is still 174% higher than Trump’s lowest month, even if it were true, but it’s not. When you add back in the 30,000 monthly through CBP One and the estimated Panama figures, July saw closer to 170,718 alien admissions, which is 4 times higher than Trump’s monthly average!

What’s more outrageous is the fake numbers Harris is bragging about. From June’s reported number of 130,416 followed by July’s 104,116, these numbers surpass Trump’s peak numbers seen during his tenure, with a surge directly linked to the Biden-Harris 2020 campaign promises, including Harris’s calls for decriminalizing illegal immigration, pledges of amnesty for millions, and Biden’s invitations to migrants to take advantage of what was perceived as open borders. Let’s not forget the massive caravans that followed these calls.

During the beginning of the Biden-Harris administration, the average monthly encounters at the southern border surged from Trump’s historic low of 38,000 to an immediate rise to 146,000, with over 1.7 million encounters in 2021 alone—nearly matching the total for Trump’s entire term!

In their second year, the administration saw a staggering average of 198,000 monthly encounters and 2.4 million overall, excluding “gotaways.” The trend continued in the third year, with an average of 206,000 monthly and 2.5 million total. This year, the average has reached a new record high of 211,000 monthly, with projections exceeding 2.5 million encounters by year’s end.
During the same 39 comparable months, excluding gotaways:
Biden-Harris: 9,408,752 Entries, an increase of 7,578,499 for $1.13T and an increase of $910B.

Trump: 1,830,253 Entries for $220B.
* Trump’s lowest monthly encounters was a mere 17,506.

**Trump’s final year, thanks to the genius “Remain in Mexico” policy canceled by Biden on June 1st, 2021, reduced the total to 316,829 compared to the Biden-Harris total of 2,131,780 with two months left.

Harris is trying to evade responsibility for the border crisis directly resulting from her and her administration’s policies to serve a broader agenda, including a one-party takeover and the transformation of our Constitutional Republic to a progressive stronghold under a reconstructed Democratic Socialist government.

The truth will set us free this November! Please share this far and wide.

Brigette Gabriel is founder of ACT for America

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