Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

By Donna Westfall – March 20, 2017 – This just submitted by Scanner Nick around 4:30 am.

Mudslide activity indicated right now at Last Chance Grade after emergency responders dealing with multiple stabbings in Klamath at Crivelli’s Bar and RV Park. Law enforcement is overwhelmed. Right at the same time Law Enforcement and fire trucks at vehicle crash on 199 just 1 mile north of 101. Family members of one of the stabbing victims caused two law enforcement vehicles to divert to intercept them and escort ambulance after they where chasing ambulance. Radio communications is particularly bad in Klamath area; they are having great difficulty communicating vital information. Officer just advised possible security concerns at hospital due to irate family. Now cops have to divert to that. What a mess.

Suspect being chased by a group. Not yet caught.
Just got update on scanner… First victim just passed away. Local dispatch wasn’t able to get ahold of special investigator.
Update.. Suspect now in custody.
Appears 3 people stabbed.
Unknown about first accident on 199 but that sounded fatal, no ambulance was requested on that one.

UPDATE:   While sitting at Fisherman’s Restaurant with Supervisor Bob Berkowitz and his Daily Town Hall Meeting, six police/sheriff’s or CHP cars flew past with lights flashing: Scanner Nick called and gave a quick update. As of 6:40 am law enforcement still overwhelmed. A frantic call by one officer at 6:30 am for help briefly at Crevelis with request for assistance from Humboldt. Now there is a shooting suspect. CPR in progress.

Active BOLO for a silver Nissan or Toyota pickup with two black occupants with driver described as having dreadlocks. Armed with a firearm. Last seen heading towards 101. Believed to be in Klamath Glenn area.

The shooting victim appears to have passed away about the time of the two suspects from the silver possible 2013 truck  nissan or toyota (small to midsize extended cab) with the black male adults came back around, circled the officers and spotlighted them, then headed off again. (as of 6:53 seen fleeing south 101 somewhere). Officer stated possible Ambush type scenario.

Helicopter is being dispatched out to the area. Humboldt officers are being asked to assist. Officers are focusing currently on the Klamath Glenn area. They got a request into the local DA to ask if they can somehow acquire more investigative resources from elsewhere.

6:40am: Officer describes ambush type situation by two black males, one wearing dreadlocks. Shot and killed a victim outside Crevellis. Later circled again and spotlighted officer while doing CPR on victim? (unclear the order of things, but all elements of that situation existed)

Dispatch requests city officers to switch to CLEMARS to leave RED MOUNTAIN police communications channels open.

Helicopter requested to assist in search of suspect vehicle: A silver in color 2013 nissan or toyota pickup truck, extended cab.

7:00am: Officer 2S3 Requesting direct called to Department of Justice (DOJ) to assist with crime scene. Also requested earlier was local DA to ask for additional resources they might be able to get.

As of 7:25am, DOJ has been requested to assist in providing investigative services for the shooting incident, but have not returned the call as of yet.

7:28am: Officer tired of waiting for California Auto Image to respond to Klamath, so requesting a different provider. Also, CHP dispatch mentioned something about 3 occupants of the silver suspect vehicle.

ANOTHER UPDATE:  CHP in McKinnleyville have the suspect involved in the Klamath shooting incident in custody.

Scanner Nick says, “And yes, this morning is quite scary. We now have yet one more argument for dealing with Last Chance Grade: Impedance of law enforcement and emergency personnel when trying to save lives, it was a real concern this morning.”

Thank you Scanner Nick, and thanks to all the officers involved bringing this to resolution.

11 thoughts on “Scanner indicates law enforcement, ambulance and hospital is busy this morning with stabbings and shootings”
  1. This sounds like a horrendous morning, no wonder law enforcement was overwhelmed, praying for them all that God will protect those who protect us. Thank you.

    1. Thanks for the correction, but I would hope that you are in fact a Nick. It would be awesome if you gave some indicator you are not me.

      Until we get more information, all we had to go on was what was available over the scanner at the time, as interpreted. It should not be treated as fact, but merely that some event happened. In fact, two separate events.

      From what I could interpret from scanner traffic, it appeared as if this shooting happened at or near Crivelli’s, because there was references to that at that time. If i’m wrong, i’m sorry, but it’s the best information i had at the the time.

  2. DOJ just arrived on scene at 10:37am in Klamath.

    At this time, I don’t know the status of the woman shot at Crivelli’s this morning. From what I can gather, it sounded fatal. If she didn’t die from the gunshot wound to the chest, she’s probably fighting for her life.

    I ask that people pray for today’s victims. The officers today did a fantastic job under extreme conditions. Pray for them too. Some may be left traumatized by what they witnessed and dealt with today.

  3. People think i’m nuts for listening to the scanner. I don’t care what they think. I certainly can’t get my news from the local The Daily Triplicate. As of this comment, they still have yet to provide anything on their website. (And they have a staff of people that cost real $$$)

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