Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

By Roger Gitlin – EYE ON DEL NORTE – October 16, 2021

I thought you folks might want to know about the recent “Age-Appropriate” State-approved sex education curricula coming out of our State Dept. of Education and directly into the DNUSD.

It’s scary!

The latest episode of this questionable curriculum occurred some weeks back when a lesson on masturbation was taught froma State-approved text, The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie (2007).

Here is some history of how and why your 7-12th grade children are being subjected to this curricula.

The Assembly introduced the California Healthy Youth Bill of 2016. The Bill was AB329 and was signed into law by Gov. Brown.

The primary intent of the Legislation was to apprise our kids on HIV prevention but also provided age-appropriate sexual health education.

Parents may opt out their children and the District must provide parents with a 14 day advance window.

Parents MUST sign the opt out release. That is on you, folks.

The sex education is mandated once for BOTH middle and high school pupils.

Much of this curricula is directed toward counties like Del Norte which sadly ranks the highest teen pregnancy rate per population in the State. Wow!

And some of the approved reading and other sex ed materials is quite shocking.

Parents, here’s my suggestion:

Pull your 7-12th grade child out of school, Monday, October 18th to protest Gov. Newsom’s child vaccination mandate and then YOU, the parent/guardian talk to your child about the birds’n the bees.

I am of the strongest opinion sensitive subjects like sexual education starts and remains in the home. Your pastor, priest or religious spiritual counselor should also be included in the presence of the parent.

This instruction does NOT belong in the public school classroom.

Att: School Board members. Open your eyes and start to veto some of this very questionable curricula.

Board members, you have a voice. Use it! Sitting on your hands and remaining silent is unacceptable.

This is a continuing story.

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