Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

October 25, 2020

If this month wasn’t busy enough, October marks the 60th anniversary of the Solano County Taxpayers Association.  SCTA was established, as a 501(c)(3) Non-profit  organization on October 17, 1960  by  a group  of citizens residing in every city and incorporated area in Solano County former the Solano County Taxpayers Association (SCTA)  – One of the co-founders of SCTA, Richard Brann of Rio Vista, served on the Board of  Supervisors from 1972-1988.

SCTA was formed to “secure by lawful means greater economy and efficiency in   government; to stimulate the public interest in civic affairs; to effect reduction in taxes; and to assist governments of a county region by studying and recommending regional policies directed at the solution of mutual problems that transcend the local jurisdictions.”

SCTA members attend Board of Supervisors and local government meetings; represent the Taxpayers on Citizens Bond Oversight Committees; engaging in public participation and the people’s right to know.

In 2007, SCTA members testified before the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Board to help improve the Board’s understanding and knowledge of the City of  Dixon’s efforts to protect water quality.

In March 2008, members testified before the Little Hoover Commission regarding the report Clearer Structure, Cleaner Water: Improving Performance and Outcomes at the State Water Board.

In 2014 SCTA and the California Manufacturers & Technology Association (CMTA) jointly filed a lawsuit in Sacramento Superior Court asserting that the state did not consider economic feasibility in adopting a drinking water standard for hexavalent chromium. In 2017 the Superior Court of Sacramento County agreed with us , the  proponents of the lawsuit, and found that the State had not conducted an economic feasibility analysis of the drinking water standard as is required by law and ordered that the standard be withdrawn and a new standard be established. This court decision saved millions of dollars to citizens throughout the State of California. To date the State hasn’t attempted to lower the standards for hexavalent chromium.

SCTA assisted the citizens of Rio Vista in the development of a referendum for wastewater treatment facilities.

 In 2015 SCTA’s longtime member and current secretary Ourania Riddle was selected by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association the “Taxfighter” of the year. This recognition shows the commitment of our members to the Taxpayers.

We formed and joined the First Coalition of Bay Area Taxpayers in opposition to the Bay Bridges toll increase. This Bridge toll increase has been fought in court as illegal. We were just notified that our most recent letter to the California Supreme helped with the Court granting  review in the case HJTA v. BATA . This granted review is good news for the Bay Area commuters paying the high bridge tolls. Our Association has also written numerous amicus letters to the California Supreme Court with great results.

SCTA has joined a coalition of other Taxpayer groups to support or oppose legislation in Sacramento.

On numerous occasions SCTA assisted the citizens of Dixon, and citizens in other  cities throughout California, in the development of initiatives. From Yorba Linda to Crescent City and other cities in between, we have helped citizens exercising their Constitutional Rights with Referendums and Initiatives.

Most recently with the assistance of SCTA Dixon citizens collected signatures and put  two initiatives, Measure S – to repeal the 300% water rate increase , and Measure T – to make the City Clerk an elected position, on the November 3, 2020 ballot.

We believe that over the past 60 years, the SCTA has given much time and effort to fostering engagement in the political process within the communities it serves and become renowned for its ability to work with a diverse group of people in order to forge solutions to the challenges that face the region.

We are looking forward to another 60 years supporting and protecting the Taxpayers in Solano County as our Founding Fathers envisioned.

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