Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

By Donna Westfall, Pictures by Doug Westfall – October 24, 2018

His plane flew in at 8 am and he had to fly out at 11 am. During the two hours we were able to spend with him, this is what we observed.  He’ll look you right in the eye, give your hand a firm handshake, and answer your questions.

8:20 am. Before his arrival at the Eureka Rescue Mission, I spoke with Executive Director, Bryan Hall, Sr. Bryan explained that he was a criminal due to his drug and alcohol problems.  While sitting in jail for three months, forced to sober up and faced with a six year prison term, he made the life altering decision to turn his life over to Jesus. While Bryan was sharing with me, homeless men walked in and out looking tattered and beat down. The people working in the facility have all faced demons with their additions and for the moment have conquered those additions. Relapses, though, are common.

John Cox with Bryan Hall, Sr. Exec. Dir of Eureka Rescue Mission

8:30 am.  John Cox enters the facility and the few local camera crew and reporters welcome him. Times Standard is there.  Leon Purvis from Channel 3 news is there.  A couple others are there. After a few questions, we take a quick tour of the facility. John is asking Bryan questions about their program, their success rate (69%) and effectiveness. It’s clear to John that giving out needles and a safe place to shoot up is not the answer.  Having people break from their addictions and becoming productive citizens is the answer.

More to come.




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