Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

By Roger Gitlin – EYE ON DEL NORTE – August 3, 2021

SRO capacity at Tuesday’s Crescent Harbor District meeting.

As our local governments ween off ZOOM in favor of personal attendance, Harbor president Brian Stone requested folks use the honor system and wear a face mask, when speaking in public, if not inoculated against the Covid19 virus. I addressed the Commission during Public comments.

I was disappointed the dredging issue was NOT on the Agenda. Due to the vital importance of Harbor dredging, I respectfully requested Dredging updates be placed on each and every Agenda until the Harbor begins to solve this problem re: Harbor ingress and and egress. I am and remain of the opinion the Harbor Commission is dragging its feet on vital, needed dredging at the Fashion Blacksmith vessel elevator. The Harbor’s dredger appears non-functional as it sits atop the Fashion Blacksmith deck for the last decade. Harbormaster Tim Petrick has been less than forthcoming on disclosing to the public the functionality of the Harbor dredger and its failure to compensate Fashion Blacksmith for dock rental for the last 94 months.

Most of the 25 in attendance came to express their outrage by long term residents of BAYSIDE RV Park. At least 20 of the 50 tenants came to express their fear of tenant evictions as the Commission discussed and passed by unanimous vote a $2.5 million investment by REC LLC to develop and improve the Bayview RV park. The decision to allow this development further aggravated the distrust held by the mobile home owners who rent space at Bayside. nThe Harbor needs to be upfront and candid with its tenants, residential and commercial.

EYE ON DEL NORTE will continue to monitor every meeting and keep the public advised on dredging and tenant relations.

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