Fri. Mar 14th, 2025



Ok, so it’s been a few decades since I played flag football in school.  And a few decades since I watched a football game, preferring to watch basketball instead. The days of attending the games where Coach John Wooden and UCLA player, Kareen Abdul Jabbar were exciting to say the least.  But, things change. Like having a roommate that LOVES football.  Football goes with food.  Food goes with drinks and there you have it on what to do this afternoon starting around 3 pm.

Now, it’s time to learn what teams are playing.  The 49ers.…. sure, heard of them.  What red blooded Californian hasn’t heard of the San Francisco 49’ers?

Never heard of the Baltimore Ravens though. How long have they been around?  Where did they come from and are they named for Edgar Allen Poe’s poem, THE RAVEN?  Indeed, the team’s name was inspired by Poe’s poem.  Poe lived and died in Baltimore in 1849.  The team originated in 1996 when then-owner of the Cleveland Browns, Art Modell, relocated the franchise to Baltimorea nd re-named the team.  Actually, a contest to name the team had over 33,000 fans entering their ideas.  Raven was chosen. The Ravens are currently valued at $1.09 Billion. Not too shabby.

Good luck to both teams today, even if I plan to favor the 49’ers.   Have an exciting Super Bowl Sunday everyone.



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