Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025
At 10 am, Sunday, May 31st this went out to the City and City Councilmembers:
Good Morning, City Manager Palazzo,
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I again ask the City to please correct the ugly blight on the picture noted below. It is now eight months since I notified your office about the unsightly graffiti on the side of North Coast Coins wall, a building owned by Mr. Lesina
of 9th St./ Discount Liquors. It is unconscionable this blight remains day after week after month for our public to see, become inured to, and simply grow to accept this base level of community acceptance.With all due respect. I would ask you to draw the line  and have this
condition removed forthwith.
Thank you.
Roger Gitlin
At 8 pm, Sunday, May 31st this email was sent to the City and Councilmembers:
Congratulations, Kirk Roberts:
Attached are before and after pictures.
No Graffiti
No Graffiti

Your civic effort to keep our community free of graffiti and ugly blight is acknowledged and greatly appreciated.  As a result of your direct involvement and effort, the ugly graffiti scrawl blighting the
beautiful mural on the easterly wall of North Coast Coins on 9th St, in District 1, has been removed.

Please be my guest for lunch for two as the May winner of the Take a Bight out of Blight YOU MADE A DIFFERENCE Community Service Award. I would like to make the presentation of a  gift card to the Chart Room at the Tuesday, June 9th, Board of Supervisors meeting during my Board comments shortly after 10am.

Thank you for making a difference and your involvement in Taking a
Bight out of Blight.

My best,

Roger Gitlin

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