Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

By Donna Westfall – March 20, 2024

Remember this is just a partial list. The California legislature continues to add to it.

In Crescent City/Del Norte County we’ve got several things going on:

1.) Anticipated sewer rate increase by the City of Crescent City. Expect it to be announced sometime this spring. We have already forewarned the City that every time they ask for a sewer rate increase we will open the door to fraud once more. That will be detailed in another article. One way to stop a sewer rate increase is through a Prop 218 protest. It’s a simple form if you own the property or are the tenant that pays the sewer bill. The City has to send a letter advising you of your rights to protest the increase. There is a 45 day window to do so. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A REGISTERED VOTER FOR THIS.

We have asked the City to have an independent group count the protests rather than the City folks.

2.) Repeal Measure S – 1% City Sales Tax A Notice of Intent to Circulate a Petition to put the repeal of Measure S on the ballot in November. This was handed in to the City Clerk/Elections Official Robin Altman on March 14, 2024. We will need under 100 signatures of registered voters that live in the City to sign. Once enough signatures are verified, it will be on the November 2024 ballot.

3.) Repeal Measure R – 1% County Sales Tax. A Notice of Intent to Circulate a Petition to put the repeal of Measure R on the ballot in November. this was handed in to County Elections Official, Alissia Northrup on March 15, 2024. We will need about 900 signatures of registered voters that live in the County to sign. Once enough signatures are verified it will be on the November 2024 ballot.

4. ) Already to go on the ballot. Repeal Crescent Fire District – This one already went into effect on your property taxes. It started out at $74/year. It increases each and every year.

5.) Sign to repeal Prop 47 – “Make crime illegal again.” They have already collected 500,000 signatures. They need more.

6.) Recall Gov. Newsom – Petitions are due to be out any time now.

How do we accomplish the collection of thousands of signatures? With TAX BUSTERS through an army of volunteers. Teddy Scott has lived here his entire life. Call him at 707 464 -6025 and let him know you want to be involved. Give him your name and contact info.

a.) If you want to just sign.

b) If you want to help get signatures outside of WalMart, Safeway, the Water Dept. or other places around town. Note: Sam Strait got over 700 signatures at WalMart in 11 days to put the repeal of Measure R on the 2022 ballot. Unfortunately the explanation by the County in the sample ballot was confusing. This time we will try to make it clear exactly what you are voting for. Where Yes means YES and No means NO.

c) If you live in an apartment and will ask your neighbors to sign.

d) If you go to local sporting events at the schools and get signatures as people leave. Or park across the street from a school and collect signatures.

e) Register people to vote. It won’t help if they can’t go to the ballot box. It Takes 2 minutes to fill out a voter registration form. Explain that by repealing some of these taxes and stopping sewer rate increases they will have more money in their pockets. Our government agencies will only spend and spend. They will always find something to spend tax money on. They could have opted to have the sales tax for 3 or 4 or 5 years and then be done. But they never considered that. They could have opted to have the money go towards law enforcement and roads, but no. They had to add one thing after another after another.

One thought on “TAX BUSTERS: Enough Already With All The Taxes”
  1. Guess it’s not a tax, but sounds liike schools want to put a bond on ballot. Saw article in Wild Rivers Outpost. Whoever did a survey said voters likely to pass it. I hope not. And hope we can get rid of that Fire District thing on our Property Tax. How that passed was suspicious. Think it ws last year or year before the schools had an extra million dollars to buy a building that had nothing to do with the schools allegedly for the kids. And I’m sure it needs maintenance and staff. Sometimes I get the impression our local rulers only see us who reside here as a source of income for the tourists and “unhoused” projects.

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