Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – November 10, 2021


  • This morning’s Populist Press writes that our VP, Kamala Harris has an approval rating of 28%, just 10 points below her boss. She was supposed to be the Dem’s ticket to the 2024 White House. She would have been the first woman and woman of color to hold that title. Instead, she’s virtually invisible and certainly not dealing with the illegals on our Southern border. The good news: maybe she’ll decide to quit politics.
  • A New Jersey truck driver, a Republican named Edward Durr, ran his campaign against New Jersey Senate President Sweeney spending $153 by making a video put up on and won. Today Stephen Sweeney conceded defeat. To say Durr toppled this powerful Senator is an understatement. The good news: 1 more Republican being sworn into office in January 2022.
  • Year round Farmer’s Market starting November 13th. This will be located in the Harbor located indoors at the old Englund Marine building.
  • Opens Saturday November 13th, from 9 am-3 pm.
  • Here is the list of dates and times
  • December 4,11,18 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • Holiday schedule as follows:
  • December 20, 21, 22, 23 Open 9:00 am-9:00 pm
  • Closed Saturday December 25, January 1, 2022
  • Reopening January 8 at 9:00 am.
  • Updates along the way. please follow us If you would like to be a vendor or want information on becoming a vendor please call: Rural Human Services 707 464-7441x 113

Remington Fire Arms is moving it’s headquarters to Georgia, creating 856 jobs and investing $100 million. Lucky for Georgia. Don’t you wish California could attract companies like that? Oops! That wouldn’t do with our Democratic politicians as the majority of them oppose guns and only want more gun control.

What would happen IF we were invaded? What would happen if shelves go empty and people get hungry? What would happen if gangs start roaming our neighborhoods stealing food out of our kitchens?

Don’t you think it would be prudent to have the over 100 gun laws in our once beautiful and prosperous state of California include language that allows those laws to be repealed, revoked or temporarily stopped so that the law abiding citizenry can have access to protection? Did you know that you can’t loan your gun to anyone in California. It’s against the law.

I can see the wisdom of locking up guns in one’s home. I can see the wisdom of background checks. But, let’s face it. When anarchy reigns, that’s the time to say, ” Geez, our law enforcement is overwhelmed and needs a hand. Let’s get a gun.”

Problems with that? Sure. Like schools don’t teach gun safety anymore. They also don’t teach the importance of the 2nd Amendment. It’s time to reinstitute those classes. Then we wouldn’t be reading articles like Alec Baldwin killing someone because he didn’t check his gun. The good news: Liberals may have to seriously rethink their positions about gun laws and gun control.


We’ve all seen inflation exploding across the nation.

Now with Prez Biden’s latest disaster aided by Gov Newsom’s refusal to reverse AB 5 policy, the nation is hampered with supply chain problems up the yin yang and companies like Kraft are announcing price hikes on January 9th, including varieties of Jell-O gelatin and pudding, which will jump from anywhere between 7% and 16 %, and Bagel Bites frozen snacks, which will see an increase of roughly 10%. Meanwhile, Cool Whip topping varieties will see an increase of 7 to 10%. The cost of EZ Mac will rise 3.5%, while a 7.25-ounce dish of Kraft Big Bowl Mac & Cheese will see a 20% price hike. Here’s why: they are facing rising input costs and noted the “upward trend in packaging, transportation, ingredients and labor costs” which are “reaching levels not seen in decades.”

Because more and more people are spending time at home, snacks are being consumed at higher levels. The maker of Oreos, Chips Ahoy and several candies — also plans to increase its prices by 6 to 7% in January of 2022.

Gasoline prices are up 42%, and electricity costs 5% more. Kitchen staples are more expensive, too. Bacon is up an astounding 19% since last September, eggs will cost you 12% more, and the price of chicken has surged 7%.


  • Mask/Vax Mandates: Heart breaking every time there is a posting about a child’s death after being vaccinated for Covid. Although letters, calls, requests, rallies, picketing, and hunger strikes are attracting attention to drop the mandates, our mostly Democratic elected’s haven’t done so.
  • School Boards are being recalled across America. Petition’s are being circulated for School Choice because parents are fed up with the lack of good, quality education in California. Yet we have to continue to pay a fortune in property taxes.
  • Speaking of Property Taxes – Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA) got approval by California’s Secretary of State to circulate petitions to repeal the Death Tax. It was hidden in Prop 19 that was approved by voters last year. The ugly part: Back in 1982, voters overwhelmingly approved two ballot measures to abolish state inheritance and gift taxes—not only abolish them, but ban them permanently. This meant that properties that passed from parents to children would not be reassessed. But, last year voters did not realize that this measure, presented in a costly ad campaign as something that would help wildfire victims, disabled people and seniors, also took away the constitutional protections that for decades had helped families climb the economic ladder by building generational wealth through property ownership.

HJTA stated “To further protect California families, we’ve added an adjustment for inflation that will help the next generation continue to own small family businesses like restaurants and mom-and-pop rental properties.”

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