Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

By Angry Old American

Copyright Angry Old American, November 17th, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently called the world’s attention to a “New Bretton Woods Moment.” For those not familiar with economic history, the Bretton Woods Monetary Summit was held in 1944, and this is when the US Dollar emerged as the World’s Reserve Currency. From that point onward, every country in the world was required to hold US Dollars on-reserve to participate in global economic commerce of raw materials, manufactured goods and services.

For nearly 80 years the Bretton Woods summit has benefited the United States Dollar’s competition with other currencies. Now, the International Monetary Fund proposes the replacement of the US Dollar with an International Digital Reserve Currency. All of the US Dollars held on-reserve worldwide will flood back into our Country and dilute our money supply. This will most-probably cause “inflation,” resulting in the rising costs of everything from food to homes.

To add insult to injury, the International Monetary Fund proposes that the currencies of First World Countries, such as the United States, be discounted to benefit enhanced values of Third World Country currencies. This will result in even less purchasing power for the US Dollar and a cheapening of US goods and labor in Third World Countries.

As a digital currency, the new International Reserve Currency will most likely also be conducted wirelessly. Credit cards of the future will resemble the “Proximity Mobile Payment” (PMP) systems being used in China. Along with existing AliPay and TenPay, the new IPO application for the West by Ant Group will introduce us all to smartphone “Business to Customer” (B2C) systems commonly used in China.

The operation of PMP and B2C systems will be quick and simple. Barcodes on store items are scanned by the smartphone and electronic payment is instantly transmitted to the user’s bank or credit institution wirelessly. Either that, or merchandise scanners will be stationed at exits, as they are already being used as a shoplifting security deterrent at many stores. All items carried by the purchaser are scanned and automatically debited from their accounts upon exit from the store. Amazon’s brick & mortar retail stores were designed to operate in this fashion. Either way, no check-stand lines required; and no jobs for Check-stand Operators.

There are also calls for countries to transition away from the concept of private ownership as a way to more equitably distribute resources. This is to be accomplished with debt for equity exchanges and disparate interest rates. There will be programs to cancel debts in exchange for equity in possessions, such as cars, homes and private property. In such an instance, there would be a marked time or event that triggers the foreclosure on these items. Disparate interest rates and yields will be handled invisibly through digital manipulation according to wealth. The “Haves” will pay higher interest for credit, and receive less returns on investments. The ‘Have-Nots” will pay lower interest on credit, and receive more returns on investments. Before the “Underprivileged” jump up and down for joy, I will remind them that their standard of living in the United States is far superior to others on a global scale. This is a global program, and everybody in the United States will suffer the consequences of a net decline in standard of living.

Being both digital and wireless, this new International Digital Reserve Currency will also become a boon to governments. Taxation will become a thing of the past. Financial resources can be siphoned remotely and invisibly simply by manipulating computer algorithms. Much like ballot returns on internet-linked voting machines in the 2020 elections, future financial outcomes will be decided remotely in favor of big government and the International Banks, and nobody will be the wiser.

If we look at speeches made by proponents of the Great Reset, the entire plan not only involves economics; but a total forced reformation of the entire human order to proffer the “Internet of Things,” a “4th Industrial Revolution,” and an “International Green New Deal.”

The Great Reset also contains vague references in of the Covid-19 Pandemic being used as a population control device and enforcement tool. Indeed, the World Health Organization (WHO) that so artfully mismanaged the Pandemic from the beginning, has claimed Covid-19 to be a useful adjunct to overcoming environmental challenges.

This has already been the case with a near halt in global production and the bankruptcy of nearly a third of all small businesses. The housing rental and commercial real estate markets have been negatively impacted by eviction moratoriums and commercial business failures. The jobless have no daily commute, nor money for leisure travel. Airlines and cruise-lines are tanking. The Pandemic has brought an end to most economies and subsequent greenhouse gas emissions. Soon it will bring an end to the dangerous CO2 which we humans exhale by breathing.

Governments are encouraged to destroy their middle-class manufacturing and service industries in preference to “Green” centralized mega-corporation robotic manufacture and artificial intelligence driven services. Animal products will be phased out in preference to a vegan diets and renewable plant based goods.

Manufacturing jobs will become a thing of the past with Artificial Intelligence driven robotic assembly lines, farms with digital tractors and harvesters, automated packaging plants and robotic warehouses. Transportation jobs will be replaced with AI dispatch and routing, driverless taxis, buses, trucks, trains, planes and ships. Service jobs are already being replaced with AI telephone and internet customer service and sales centers, and will soon replace attorneys, financial consultants, and telemedicine doctors. Travel, hospitality and entertainment will be supplanted by AI enhanced virtual reality. Even the “Defund the Police” movement can be linked to the abundance of inexpensive AI driven aerial surveillance drones, existing wifi surveillance networks, facial recognition and cell-phone gps location technology in conjunction with video and microphone enabled in-home “smart devices.” Robo-cops and Drone Soldiers of the Future are already in the first and second stages of development.

With an end to small business and jobs will come a need to maintain social order. We are already getting our first taste of this with the Pandemic Lock-downs. How does it feel? The Great Reset might just make these lock-downs a new way of life.

Of course, the dream world of our new crop of young social bums will also be addressed. As already defined by United Nations Agenda 2030, we will see a universal income sufficient for bare survival (as defined by a Global Standard), 200 square feet of living-space and Medicare for all, or a reasonable facsimile. Perhaps our young deadbeats will earn enough credits for digital virtual reality to escape the boring consequences of guaranteed security. Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality are rapidly being incorporated into “Augmented Reality” glasses and headphones for everyday use.

Families, as we know them today, will become a thing of the past. Patriarchs (fathers), being the very definition of Woke evil, will be eliminated from the scene. Women will be encouraged to spawn a rainbow brood from unrestrained sexual promiscuity, or even better lesbian relationships and test-tube babies; or even better than that, an endless succession of abortions. Our next generation, guided by the wisdom of Woke teachers, social workers and psychologists will be gender-bender mutants straight out of a Dr. Seuss book. God-help any child with the premeditated evil and affront to Wokeness of being born albino or with fair flesh. They will be pariahs, the very bane of the multicultural world, and objects of ridicule and disdain. Sexism and Racism is the only solution to ending Sexism and Racism in our Logic Noveau world of terminal Wokeness.

Last month, I penned an article titled “Follow the Money.” In it, I outlined how this plan for a Great Reset was launched at the 2017 World Economic Summit in Davos Switzerland. China was lauded as the sole hope of the world for manufacturing capacity and social control systems. I also explained that the Great Reset will not result in the promised utopia; but rather a dystopian slave state unlike any that has existed in the past. Orwell and Kafka could not do justice to the living Hell-on-Earth that awaits the human race.

Remember those fancy new electric Smart-Meters installed on our homes? Those nifty devices can identify, spy-on and shut-down any number of electric appliances in our homes. This can all be done remotely, and we will have no control to stop it. Many communities, during brown-outs and rolling black-outs, have already had their air-conditioning or heating cut. In China, these same Smart Meters are used for selective punitive denial of not only heaters and air conditioners, but everyday appliances like water-heaters, stoves, and lights.

Our cellular phones, smart phones, computers and televisions are already being used to profile, categorize and push selective content. They also deny access to content considered politically objectionable. Much of this is done by our utility and entertainment carriers such as AT&T, Comcast and Cox, various internet providers, and an array of Internet Monopolists such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. In recent Congressional testimony, Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook, Google and Twitter colluded in profiling users and either denying access to content or use of their services. Zuckerberg also admitted that Facebook had spied on user’s private communications as a means to categorize them for future denial of content or services across all three internet platforms.

What the World Economic Summit proposes is a system similar to the CCP’s Social Credit System; where each person is given a score commensurate with their compliance to government dictated social values. When fully implemented in the USA, every aspect of our lives will be monitored via Artificial Intelligence.

There will be no privacy. Owners of wireless home surveillance systems might be surprised to hear that their security cameras are already live-streaming on the internet via Insecam and Opentopia to anybody who chooses to look; anybody! Amazon’s Alexa has already been exposed for monitoring, recording and transmitting conversations of their owners to the world wide web; even when deactivated! Cameras and microphones exist in many items on our persons and at home including phones, computers, televisions and smart appliances such as microwave ovens, ranges, refrigerators, washing machines and driers. GPS locators are increasingly finding their way into many electronic devices. Add to this, the new financial transparency included in the Great Reset, and we will all be the focus of totalitarian control of unimaginable scope and scale.

Families, as we know them today, will become a thing of the past. Patriarchs (fathers), being the very definition of Woke evil, will be eliminated from the scene. Women will be encouraged to spawn a rainbow brood from unrestrained sexual promiscuity, or even better lesbian relationships and test-tube babies; or even better than that, an endless succession of abortions. Our next generation, guided by the wisdom of Woke teachers, social workers and psychologists will be gender-bender mutants straight out of a Dr. Seuss book. God-help any child with the premeditated evil and affront to Wokeness of being born albino or with fair flesh. They will be pariahs, the very bane of the multicultural world, and objects of ridicule and disdain. Sexism and Racism is the only solution to ending Sexism and Racism in our Logic Noveau world of terminal Wokeness.

Last month, I penned an article titled “Follow the Money.” In it, I outlined how this plan for a Great Reset was launched at the 2017 World Economic Summit in Davos Switzerland. China was lauded as the sole hope of the world for manufacturing capacity and social control systems. I also explained that the Great Reset will not result in the promised utopia; but rather a dystopian slave state unlike any that has existed in the past. Orwell and Kafka could not do justice to the living Hell-on-Earth that awaits the human race.

Remember those fancy new electric Smart-Meters installed on our homes? Those nifty devices can identify, spy-on and shut-down any number of electric appliances in our homes. This can all be done remotely, and we will have no control to stop it. Many communities, during brown-outs and rolling black-outs, have already had their air-conditioning or heating cut. In China, these same Smart Meters are used for selective punitive denial of not only heaters and air conditioners, but everyday appliances like water-heaters, stoves, and lights.

Our cellular phones, smart phones, computers and televisions are already being used to profile, categorize and push selective content. They also deny access to content considered politically objectionable. Much of this is done by our utility and entertainment carriers such as AT&T, Comcast and Cox, various internet providers, and an array of Internet Monopolists such as Google, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter. In recent Congressional testimony, Mark Zukerberg admitted that Facebook, Google and Twitter colluded in profiling users and either denying access to content or use of their services. Zukerberg also admitted that Facebook had spied on user’s private communications as a means to categorize them for future denial of content or services across all three internet platforms.

What the World Economic Summit proposes is a system similar to the CCP’s Social Credit System; where each person is given a score commensurate with their compliance to government dictated social values. When fully implemented in the USA, every aspect of our lives will be monitored via Artificial Intelligence.

There will be no privacy. Owners of wireless home surveillance systems might be surprised to hear that their security cameras are already live-streaming on the internet via Insecam and Opentopia to anybody who chooses to look; anybody! Amazon’s Alexa has already been exposed for monitoring, recording and transmitting conversations of their owners to the world wide web; even when deactivated! Cameras and microphones exist in many items on our persons and at home including phones, computers, televisions and smart appliances such as microwave ovens, ranges, refrigerators, washing machines and driers. GPS locators are increasingly finding their way into many electronic devices. Add to this, the new financial transparency included in the Great Reset, and we will all be the focus of totalitarian control of unimaginable scope and scale.

In China, those with a low Social Credit Score are limited in movement outside of their homes. They can also be the focus of “Public Shaming” via alerts, complete with their photograph and “moral crimes” automatically sent to shartphones owned by others in their proximity. Social Credit Score also effects access to the internet, what items can or can’t be purchased, and overall social acceptance when using social media. It can also lead to social exclusion, fines, complete seizure of financial accounts; all done remotely without any prior warning or notification. In some cases, it can lead to incarceration, re-education, forced-labor, and perhaps even forced organ harvesting and death.

Impossible? It has been happening in China for several years. This new Social Credit System requires a fifth generation or better microwave communications system (5G) in order to operate. Huawei provided the 5G backbone in China; but has since fell into disfavor in the United States and many other countries. Other systems are being developed in the West with 6G platforms. Leaders of these technologies have incorporated wifi  into light-bulbs to become “lifi.” We will still see a 5G+ network implemented here in the United States; and China may not be the “Spy.” The question remains; who will be spying? Will it be our own governments; or will it be the new international financial system?

Can’t happen here in the United States? We have Constitutional Rights!?

Let me remind you all that it is already happening. Free Speech has already become a thing of the past on Google, Facebook and Twitter. Totalitarian censorship through Cancel Culture is tantamount to book-burning. The right to protect oneself and property have been challenged in most States, and removed in those identified as “Woke.” It is now “Almost Peaceful” to loot, riot, burn and assault people because of race or political ideology. We are already in the middle of a Cultural Revolution.

The curious paradox to the manifest of the Great Reset, is the part played by self-described Socialists, Communists and “Anti-Fascists” to bring International Corporate Fascism into being. Decades of public school indoctrination has fostered several generations of adults incapable of independent critical thinking. Lacking skills in logic, and many times functionally illiterate and mathematically challenged, these deprived young souls are woefully vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation.

Joe Biden appears to be the “President Elect” that has been chosen by the six Media Moguls that control more than 90% of mainstream media, and the four Internet Monopolists that control over 90% of digital information traffic and social media. Just what branch of government these Media Mogul comprise has yet to be discerned. If the financial powers of this world are capable of certifying State elections and carrying the Electoral College, it is sure that our future will be dismal. Our last free and honest election was in 2016, and we will most likely never see another if the rule of law does not prevail.

The next World Economic Summit in Davos Switzerland will convene digitally on January 25th, 2021 as the “Davos Dialogues.” By then, election results will be settled in the United States, and our President inaugurated on January 20th, 2020. If the Financial Elites of this world get their way, Joe Biden will join Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin along with the wealthiest global  bankers and mega-billionaires during the world inauguration of International Corporate Fascism and totalitarian slavery for all mankind.

Welcome to the Great Reset.


Angry Old American

One thought on “The Great Reset”
  1. I was happy enough with the term New World need to change it to something else because someone feels the need to take credit for a new buzzword. Other than that these concepts have been around since the 80s. Exempt from all this are Tribes and Reservations that are exempt from everything. After some type of “adjustment” on behalf of the people we may all enjoy more of a sovereign status similar to that.

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