Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

By Donna Westfall – January 24, 2019 – In the US, flu shots are recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The best time to get flu shots is between Halloween and Thanksgiving and through the winter months up to the end of February.

But hold the phone.  What’s this? The flu shot isn’t that effective.  Look here:

Effectiveness of flu shots – (credit to the CDC):

In 2013-14, the flu vaccine was 52 percent effective.

In 2014-15, the flu vaccine was 19 percent effective.

In 2015-16, the flu vaccine was 48 percent effective.

In 2016-17, the flu vaccine was 39 percent effective.

In addition, did you know that the public is not wll informed about the dangers associated with vaccines. Dr. Moss, West Virginia, has taught medical ethics for 25 years and says that if it causes injury, you can’t sue the manufacturer because they are protected, “….so the vaccine manufacturers don’t have to worry about vaccine safety.” Further he references the Vaccine Court that compensates victims of vaccine injuries by more than $200 million a year, and that the flu vaccine is the biggest one being litigated in the Vaccine Court under the  federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

Why would anyone rush off and get the shot without knowing some basics like:

1.) What is informed consent?  It’s knowing the possible consequences or side effects of taking a particular drug or shot.  If you’re with your doctor, they will discuss with you some of the side effects so that you as the patient, can decide if it’s a risk worth taking. If you’re at a clinic or place offering free flu shots chances are you won’t be involved in in-depth discussions about it.

2.) What is herd immunity? It’s a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a large percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, thereby providing a measure of protection for individuals who are not immune.

3.) What are some of the side effects of the current flu shot?  Flu like symptoms; fever, fatigue, painful joints, headache, wheezing, abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea. But wait, there’s more, however be aware of the following:

Here are some concerns and possible serious injuries caused by the flu vaccine.

It can cause miscarriage specially in pregnant women who have gotten the flu shot two years in a row.

Those with a history of Guillain-Barré syndrome following a previous flu shot.

It can cause death.  On the other hand, some people die from the flu who did not get the shot.

4.) What are some of the ingredients in flu shots?

Thimerosal (ethylmercury)

Used as a preservative. It is approximately 50% mercury by weight. Suspected ties to autism have led to removal of Thimerosal from some vaccines in 1999. From the FDA’s website:

  • All vaccines routinely recommended for children 6 years of age and younger in the U.S. are available in formulations that do not contain thimerosal.
  • Vaccines that do not contain thimerosal as a preservative are also available for adolescents and adults.




Chicken Egg Proteins – those with allergies should request shots made without eggs

Gelatin, and

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Do you know if you’re allergic to any of those ingredients?

Now that we see the flu shot historically is not that effective, can cause illness and serious side effects sometimes even death, contains ingredients  harmful to the system, why would anyone want to get a flu shot?  Here’s one answer.  Because your doctor, health care professional or advertisements tell you to and the selling point is fear.

What should be done?  Work towards greater safety in shots.

In 2010, the one time my husband and I got the flu shot, we were sick as dogs for 10 days.  I’m pretty sure not everybody has that experience. But, we’re not about to endorse the practice.

Lastly, one of the most important things that can be done is to present you with a hand out containing information about the shot, the specific ingredients along with all the possible side effects so you can make a good decision based on the facts and the risks.



2 thoughts on “The problems with flu shots”
  1. Flu shots usually cause a mild fever the first time they are received, but in subsequent years this fever usually isn’t present. Additionally there are many types of flu shots — some flu shots protect against Type A Influenza, and other protect against type B Influenza, and others protect against A and B. The best flu shot to get is a quadrivalent Thymerisol free influenza shot since it provides a much broader spectrum of protection.

    There are other things you can do to reduce respiratory infection. Taking at least 35 iu per/lb of body weight of vitamin D3 is clinically proven to keep you out of trouble, but some experts recommend a 30% higher dose if you have a disease state — such as cancer, MS, Osteoporosis, depression, etc, etc. The body does not produce any D3 from sunshine after the age of 70 so you have to get it internally.

    Whether or not to get a flu shot should also be considered in terms of underlying health problems, genetics, and international opinion. Canadian authorities seem to be on disagreement on whether or not to do it every year, but don’t recommend banning it completely. Getting a respiratory infection with non-allergic asthma after the age of 40 can send you to the grave quickly so there are a lot of things to consider

  2. In addition to the suggestions above, please also do consider the public that was well aware of all of this as it was going on and struggling to inspire a difference for the betterment of all.

    The public deserves not only an apology and a concrete plan for better options otherwise the rebellion against this kind of treatment for the masses will persist not only locally in great numbers but also probably globally.

    Don’t forget the huge hack into the system and how everyone’s dirty laundry is available for the rest of the world.

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