Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

By Roger Gitlin – EYE ON DEL NORTE – September 19, 2021

With the public being bombarded by the Covid 19 Lobby to take the vaccine, I thought you would appreciate hearing from the other side: The Truth about the Virus.As human beings, we ALL do THREE things:

*We are born.

*We live.

*We die.

Nobody avoids this succession. Nobody.

Are you going to die as a result of contracting the Virus? H I G H L Y unlikely. I will allow the numbers from the Del Norte County Public Health Information Hub, for the week ending September 17, 2021 to speak for itself.

*According to the Information Hub since April of 2020 to current, a total of 3,413 individuals in Del Norte County have contracted the Virus.

*Sadly, and with deep regret, I report 35 individuals have past away, attributable to the Virus. I would add many of those 35 deaths involved multi- diagnoses:



Heart and Stroke

Renal failure


The lethality ratio is 1%.

Stated another way, the survival rate for anyone who contracted the Virus is 99%. Let that sink into your brain. 1% death rate 99% survival rate.

With masking, without masking, it matters not.

If you should contract the Virus, you have a 99% chance of full recovery. AND to date, approximately 10,500 (46%) Del Norters have chosen not to be vaccinated while a similar amount ( 46%) have chosen to take the two injection protocol. The remaining 8% of Del Norte County has taken a partial dosage and not completed the full vaccination protocol.

So, Why is there ALL this hysteria and fear-mongering about this horrible, “Black Death” virus?

* Why has president Biden placed more shame and scorn on the 80 MILLION Americans who have chosen not to take the vaccination than the brutal savage Talaiban in recently vacated Afghanistan. And why does the Administration allow thousands and thousands of illegal aliens flood into the USA, UNVACCINATED !

* Why is the Dept of Public Health offering cash rewards (public money) as an incentive to be vaccinated.

*Why has the Elmer Gantry-esq / Democrat State Senator Mike McGuire engaged in political grandstanding, and I paraphrase, “… blaming healthy, rural Del Norte County unvaccinated Trump voters for spreading the virus via the Delta variant? ” A completely FALSE statement.

*Why, with the unanimous consent of the Crescent City Council has the Governance instructed City Manager Eric Wier to weekly test City employees who have elected NOT to be vaccinated?

All this man-made hysteria, frightening folks to the max over a Virus which has a 99% survival rate?

Why?I cannot answer that question without diving deeply into the murkey underworld of conjecture. I will not go there for now.

Deep in the mud of these questions lies an even thicker layer of mistrust of our elected, local, County, State and Federal.

Until those we choose to represent us begin to treat we constituents like adults rather than nanny-State children, this mistrust will continue.

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