Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

It started out as a foggy day.  By noon, the sun came out and the Westfall’s  joined the crowds at the Del Norte Farmer’s Market held Saturday’s from 9am to 1pm.
Donna Westfall chatting with Jan Martin at the “Support Our Troops” table.  Jan has been sending care packages overseas for years to servicemen injured and recuperating.

Constituents Rob Tolman with his daughter, Ruby, and son, Anthony shopping for fresh organic food and plants.

Doug Westfall talks about jewelry while Donna talks with local Jill Munger.

Time for us to purchase some organic veggies from Ocean Aire.

Fresh, sweet,juicy strawberries from a Vendor that drives up from Orick.  She’s on their water board.  They do not

Nature’s Garden booth hollows out pieces of driftwood and plants succulents by David and Frances Williams.fluoridate in Orick.

John Gallegos has amber with million year old insects imbedded in them.Locals, Paul & Karen Reyman, import jewelry and art work from African.  They have a most colorful booth with their AFRICAN FABRICATIONS.

CEO and General Manager of the Del Norte County Fairgrounds, Randy Hatfield, asks me what I think of the news that Portland, Oregon is thinking about fluoridating? Told him, “Not if I have anything to do about it!”

Thanking Janice Wilson for photographing,

Janice Wilson handing my Supervisor Leslie McNamer information on fluoride.  Mrs. McNamer has been very open minded about learning of the dangers of water fluoridation.

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