By Linda Sutter – October 25, 2022
There will be a joint meeting occurring Tuesday, October 25th at the Veteran’s Administration Building starting at 5:30 pm.

The topic: The Tri Agency.
Up to 15 elected officials may attend. THESE Elected officials want the tax payers to bail them out for their failures to conduct mandatory Audits, pay annual installments, and maintain business loans to borrowers causing bankruptcy.
Where do you think this money will come from? Measure R and S? Make these elected explain.
The key here is this. As long as They prolong paying back $288,000 the Tri-Agency will exist without any appropriate staff, because they have no money to hire staff. Except with Measure R and S funds.
I urge voters to attend this meeting. Tell these elected IF WE ARE GOING TO BAIL YOU OUT YOU MUST DISSOLVE THR TRI-AGENCY IMMEDIATELY.
The Tri-Agency is not used to obtain jobs or bring jobs here. The work force is that entity. The Tri-Agency is not needed to obtain grants. A Grant writer is.
They will continue to dig Del Norte County into a bigger hole than it is already in.

Hey Raedeke!!
Longtime from the Bay!! Thank you for your wonderful and most welcomed comments!! My email address is time to catch up on the issues here in Del Norte!!!
Hi Linda !
Remember me? So glad to see you are involved and active and still fighting the good fight. As I remember you handled yourself very well back at Pelican Bay, it was always a pleasure to work with you. You didn’t put up with any bull shit and were very good at your job. The thing I admired most about you was your intelligence and your ability to maintain an interesting conversation. Saw you on utube. Still beautiful I see. You will be the next harbor commissioner. Contact me at my email. Hope to hear from you. Rick Raedeke