Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

By Freedom Writer – November 16, 2021

As many of you know, who have asked to join my email list, myself and several in the community, in collaboration with CABOC – California Association of Bond Oversight Committees have been investigating the financial information and public records of the 2008 Measure A Bond.

Within just one month, we have managed to create a support base of 47 people, with CABOC’S guidance and instruction, we are redrafting the 2020 Annual Report, and creating an MOU- Memorandum of Understanding between the current COC and DNUSD to make our COC, for the FIRST TIME since the bond was passed, a LEGAL AND INDEPENDENT COMMITTEE.

Just by those 2 terms, you can imagine what we have discovered and realized what hasn’t been done when you have an Oversight Committee that has never operated in an INDEPENDENT AND LEGAL CAPACITY. What we have is the Fox Watching the Hen House. Your support and interest in this is Paramount. This is your TAX DOLLARS.

Our primary objective, is to bring community awareness of what we are doing and to enforce transparency and accountability of those funds and the logistics of the committee to be bound by a legal contract.

Below is this Friday’s AGENDA. I will be posting an additional Agenda called a Special Study Session, that is overlapping our 3:00 PM meeting that starts at 3:30 with the Board of Trustees and DNUSD LEGAL Council, Tom Gauthier and Lozano Smith. We have the School Board’s attention and their law firm.

I’d say we are making progress. I have more developments I am working on. I will disclose as these leads solidify. Stay tuned… I hope many of you Log on with the ZOOM link in the attached Agenda or physically attend. This is your money and affects your children’s futures.

Your voices need to be heard. Your input is invaluable. Together, we can make a difference!


Regular Meeting of the
Del Norte Unified School District’s
AGENDA Citizens’ Oversight Committee
November 19, 2021 – 3:00 pm
Boardroom, 301 W. Washington Boulevard
Crescent City, CA 95531
A Regular Meeting of the Del Norte County Unified School District’s Citizens’ Oversight Committee
will be held via Zoom AND Open to the Public with limited
seating (seats will be physically distanced).
Dial any one of the following numbers:
+1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 301 715 8592
When prompted enter the following Webinar ID: 967 5960 5057

  1. CALL TO ORDER – 3:00 p.m.
    a. Deletions, corrections, or additions from Committee members to the agenda at this
    time. In order to add an Item to the agenda, the matter must have come to the
    attention to the committee subsequent to the posting of the agenda and the matter
    requires immediate action before the next regular meeting of the committee.
    Extension of teleconference provisions pursuant to AB 361 and Government Code section 54953
    for 30 days:
    In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Governor Newsom signed AB 361 into law, permitting
    public agencies to continue conducting meetings remotely in the following circumstances:
    a) There is a proclaimed state of emergency, and state or local officials have imposed
    or recommended measures to promote social distancing; or
    b) There is a proclaimed state of emergency, and the local agency’s meeting is for the
    purpose of determining, by majority vote, whether as a result of the emergency,
    meeting in person would present imminent risks to the health or safety of
    attendees; or
    c) There is a proclaimed state of emergency, and the local agency has determined, by
    majority vote, that as a result of the emergency, meeting in person would present
    an imminent risk to the health or safety of attendees.
    The Citizens’ Oversight Committee may approve the use of remote teleconferencing for its
    meetings for the next 30 day period, based on a finding that the current circumstances meet the
    requirements of AB 361, Government Code section 54953 and all other applicable provisions of
    the Brown Act for the Del Norte Unified School District’s Citizens’ Oversight Committee to
    conduct meetings remotely.
    Regular Meeting of the
    Del Norte Unified School District’s
    AGENDA Citizens’ Oversight Committee
    November 19, 2021 – 3:00 pm
    Boardroom, 301 W. Washington Boulevard
    Crescent City, CA 95531
    a. Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Report
    b. Memorandum of Understanding between Del Norte Unified School District and
    Citizens’ Oversight Committee
    c. Appointment of Subcommittee to review 2020 report to the community
    Comments from the public on any non-agendized items that fall withing the purview of the
    Committee. Members of public must make comments from the podium or if attending
    virtually, use the raise hand feature and be recognized. Please state your name. Members
    of the public will have 3 minutes to address the committee. There is a 20 minute limit per

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