Thu. Mar 27th, 2025 4:00:45 AM


20 of the Del Norte Amateur Radio Club assembled for it’s monthly meeting Monday night, April 7th, to discuss club business and activities.  A report was given by Leonard Smith (KA7VMW) on the participation by several club members in the recent Tsunami Drill on 26  March.  Christy Lynn Rust (WA6ZEO) also spoke on her posting at KPOD/KCRE during the drill where she was interviewed on the HAM radio resources in Del Norte county.

There was also a guest presentation by Sharon Jourdan of the RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) informing the membership of what it is and how it works.  The Radio club is expected to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the program and several members are excited to be involved with it. Ms. Jourdan can be reached at (707)  464-7876 for more information.

The club also spoke about the up coming fund raising yard sale in the Red Cross parking lot 3 May. our upcoming participation at this years Health Fair 7 June, and our Field Day activities the last weekend of June.  There will be another “Ham Cram” class/testing on 7-8 June for anyone interested in seeking their radio license (contact Susan Stouffer (K6SLS) at (707) 487-2450 for more information.) For more information about the DNARC visit our website at

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