Fri. Jan 31st, 2025

By Roger Gitlin – February 18, 2017 –

 The Crescent City area office of the California Highway Patrol has identified the CHP officer injured in yesterday aftenoon’s accident on 101 near Klamath. A semi-truck collided with  Officer Jose Martinez’ CHP vehicle.  He is in critical but stable condition after Cal-Ore life flight transported him to Mercy Medical Center in Redding where he awaits surgery. Thank you Del Norte Ambulance for your stellar work in transporting Officer Martinez to CEC. The efforts of these first responders most certainly made the difference in saving his life.

Let’s go the extra effort and send Officer Jose Martinez get well cards. Please send your best wishes for a speedy recovery to:

  • CHP office for Ofc. Martinez
  •  1444 Parkway Drive,
  • Crescent City, CA 95531.

Commander Larry Depee will make sure Jose receives your good wishes. Let no one think law enforcement isn’t very dangerous.

Thank you, Officer Jose Martinez for your dedication and commitment to Del Norte County. As part of his extended family, make sure he knows that we wish him a speedy recovery so he can come home.

6 thoughts on “UPDATE: Please continue to pray for Officer Martinez”
  1. Officer Martinez, last I heard,you were at home recovering. Please contact me if you would like to. God bless you, sir.

  2. Jose,

    Best wishes old friend, also sent an email to your other account. Know that Maureen, Katherine and I are all thinking about you and pulling for you.

    Best wishes,

    Eric, Maureen and Katherine

  3. Dear Officer Martinez,
    I want you to know you are at one of the finest Medical facilities I have experienced as a nurse or a patient. I woke up in a Mercy Hospital bed after doing a 360 or 720 or maybe even a 1080 when my truck started spinning 90 seconds after it started raining. I saw river, mountain, river MOUNTAIN or river, mountain, river, mountain, river, MOUNTAIN! Thank God I ran into the mountain.
    They waited 3 days for me to stabilize and the swelling to subside before they literally screwed my arm back together. Jose, my arm looks and works PERFECT. I want you to know they recruit Drs. who are excellent in their field. That made me feel so much better knowing the QUALITY OF CARE I received was intentional, due to an excellent, hand picked staff. So Jose, kick back, know you did good by making it through the first day and waking up at Mercy Hospital. Do what your Drs., nurses, and therapists instruct you to do and if you do not understand something or need clarification ASK QUESTIONS. That is the secret to a speedy recovery.

  4. Jose, Hope you are feeling better from your injuries. You have alot of friends and a big family that stand with you during this time. We think the world of you as a person, respect you as a peace officer and want you to know you have the support of everyone in this community. So please get well soon. You are a true friend.

  5. Jose, I just heard what happened. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hoping you pull through! I was just thinking of some of our childhood antics a few weeks ago and laughing to myself. Too long since we last spoke. I’ll due my best to monitor your situation from PA and try to get in touch. Stay strong and get better, brother.

  6. May God bless you and keep you and make you whole , And his angels protect and hold you up. Praying for your speedy recovery! I thank you for you’re Service to the people of California .
    I used to live in California, but I am currently a resident of Arkansas . I also am a truck driver, started my career in Southern California . I am so sorry that this had to happen to you. Please except my deepest sympathies .

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