Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

By Samuel Strait, Reporter at Large – July 8, 2021

We have already been swamped by pleading from the State and Local Public
Health about vaccinations, and now the Federal dictatorship in
Washington has been heard to suggest that they will be sending around
various federal agents to nudge compliance for those that refuse to be
vaccinated.  Likely in violation of federal HIPPA regulations, but hey,
when has the law ever stopped the Biden Administration.  At the same
time our own local far left leaning radio station KFUG, led by none
other than the Station’s Manager, Paul Critz author of his famous radio
program “the day the earth ended”, has enlisted the aid of Redwood
Voice, his collection of Socialist wannabes, into creating a public
service announcement asking Del Norter’s to get vaccinated.

It’s not like anybody who really cares, isn’t aware of the push to
vaccinate the entire country by quite a collection of do gooders. 
Naturally, we are all supposed to be assured that the vaccine which
remains experimental, roll the dice and become guinea pigs for Pfizer,
Moderna, or any of the other vaccines being administered.  A typical
medication is required at least a lengthy trial period of any where from
three to five years.  Even then, approved medications have been known to
be recalled long after approval.  The idea that we are suddenly being
over zealous about vaccines for a particular virus which has proven to
be not much more than a virus similar to the flu, mortality rate about
the same currently is perplexing.  The idea that California and the CDC
is claiming 97.3% fully vaccinated Statewide is preposterous.  Del Norte
County is currently at 28.5%, with a few more having taken just one
dose.  Long way to go for 97.3%.  Looks like all the KFUG service
announcement is meant to do is continue with the “fear” message to
justify anything that resembles this in the future.

Now on to reality.  With the decline in virus infections coupled with
improving medical responses, Covid-19, Delta variation included, has
become just another in a long list of viruses that has failed to
exterminate mankind in spite of what has been said. Vaccination is not a
cure for the Covid-19 virus, in fact many continue to test positive
after vaccination.  Viruses have been around for at least 8,000 years
since first being recorded in ancient China, and no, not in Wuhan.  The
recent hysteria over the current rendition of virus is unlikely to
necessitate anyone rushing out to get vaccinated.  In fact currently, it
would appear that the minuscule chance of contracting the disease will
most likely go unnoticed by most and become a minor inconvenience by all
but a few.  Only those that are experiencing major health issues should
be cautious, and even then improved medical practices have greatly
improved your odds.

Those that are beside themselves over reports of breaking the four
million deaths mark for Covid, if it is even to be believed, should take
heart in the fact that it is four million out of eight billion or
roughly 0.0005 of the world’s population.   Not much of a dent.  It is
suspected that the world’s governments and their collective reactions to
the virus have created far more unintended consequences to the world’s
population than the virus ever did or could have done.  So enough with
the vaccine hysteria.  California thinks it has it under control.  Yeah,

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