Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

The recall against Councilwoman Donna Westfall failed miserably.  Mr. Buhler and cronies of Dianne Nickerson, former City Clerk, had neighbor after neighbor tell them Westfall is the only one on the City Council who cares about the people and their problems.


No surprise to Westfall.  She has knocked on doors, asked people how they’re doing and discovered last year that the vast majority are hurting.  The days of the "tax and spend" government mentality are coming to an end, but the other four council members don’t realize that yet.  There is a gap in reality.


The only way to get policies changed at the City Council level is to get 3 like minded people.  Right now there are 4 like minded people.  Kelly Schellong, Dennis Burns, Charles Slert and Kathryn Murray.  They’re the ones that keep voting to approve change orders on the sewer project.  They’re the ones that are against rolling back the sewer rates and favored suing Donna and Douglas Westfall to keep the initiative from going to the ballot.  Judge Morrison issued his decision on August 6th to keep the initative from going on the ballot.


Dennis Burns is not running for re-election. 


Kelly Schellong is running and we cannot endorse her. She, along with Richard Enea, Irene Tynes and Dennis Burns are the ones responsible for contracting with Wahlund Construction and approving a contract for $37+ million dollars.  They are the ones that approved the $43.8 million State Revolving Fund loan. 


Richad Enea has also signed papers to run for City Council.  We cannot endorse him.


Currently we endorse Jim Barrett.  Jim ran 6 years ago and lost.  He is a long time resident and cares deeply about this City.  He currently works as a CNA at Crescent City Nursing and Rehab.


Chung Lor, from the Hmong Community turned in his paperwork for City Council. We have plans to interview him about his politics and platform before choosing to endorse him.


Alissia Northrup, County Clerk, states that anyone can run as a write-in candidate.  But, they must fill out the same paperwork as the others.  There is no charge to fill out the paperwork.  If you write in a candidate’s name on your ballot it won’t count unless that person filled out the proper forms.  Write-in candidates can fill out paperwork at the Flynn Center, County Clerk’s office beween September 7th and October 19th.


Perhaps if the City Council had people who could work together trying to discuss and solve problems, the days of the constant recalls would be over.


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