Opinion and Commentary By Donna A. Westfal – February 7, 2025
I know some people that have had abortions and regretted it. I realize there are many more than have had abortions and felt good about it. But I don’t feel good about hearing about full term abortions. The baby is killed and I call that murder.
There’s a step just before full term abortion that came up in undercover recordings a few years ago. A young man that’s 36 years old this year named David Daleiden is an anti-abortion activist. I prefer to call him a pro-life activist.

David Daleiden, Founder of Center for Medical Progress
Almost 10 years ago, David went undercover, and held meetings with Planned Parenthood officials in several strategic cities in California. What he disclosed from these meetings through video’s is explosive to say the least. The ugly truth came out that Planned Parenthood was selling body parts of aborted fetuses which is against federal law.
Back in 2019 a Planned Parenthood official admitted to harvesting aborted fetal parts for the purpose of selling them to human tissue procurement companies. This was disclosed in the Washington Examiner by Reporter Samantha Kamman during a preliminary hearing.
Now I call this guy a hero. But he’s not the only one. Sandra Merritt, a pro-life grandmother, was a co-defendant with David because Planned Parenthood sued them both. And, California AG Xavier Becerra leveled 15 felony counts against the pair. Politically motivated? I think so.

Sandra Merritt
Listen to what happened to them over the last 10 years while keeping this in mind: David claims that this case, his case, was the one and only time that the California State Attorney General’s office ever pursued an undercover journalist under it’s recording law. Sounds like blatant discrimination to me.
So when did the California State AG’s office get involved? Why it was with none other than AG Kamala Harris. In 2016 she met with Planned Parenthood. She authorized the raid on his home. Would you be surprised to learn that Planned Parenthood donated to her campaigns? Of course not. Doesn’t surprise me in the least.
This get’s back to the weaponization of the law. It’s a real tragedy that it’s mostly Democrats that practice law are out to get those who’s opinion and viewpoints disagree with them especially on the abortion issue. I can’t wait to see the day when they stop marching in goose step with one another.
In 2019, Planned Parenthood won a $2.2 million civil lawsuit in San Francisco against Daleiden and Merritt for violating fraud, trespassing and recording laws. They appealed but the 9th Circuit upheld the verdict.
Here’s the surprising news. A couple of days ago, the case was dismissed against David and Sandra. Neither one were convicted or found guilty of 14 felony counts for unlawfully recording a conversation or 1 felony count of criminal conspiracy. Sandra was actually charged with 16 felonies and facing more than 10 years in prison. This was dropped. Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel founder and chairman, said in a statement.
“Murdering human babies to harvest their body parts for profit is evil and there is no excuse for Sandra’s political persecution.”
However, if you research this case, you’ll find lots of conflicting statements leaving you with the feeling that nothing Planned Parenthood did was wrong or evil or illegal.
At any rate, the case was dismissed in connection with a plea agreement. Their plea agreement had all the criminal charges dropped and they will have no prison time, no fines or other penalties. “The new ‘no contest’ plea — which cannot be used adversely — will be entered into judgment as a misdemeanor in six to 12 months and then converted to a ‘not guilty’ plea, dismissed, and expunged,” said the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), a pro-life group founded and headed by Daleiden.
Why am I such a fan of David and Sandra as well as the thousands if not millions of others that are pro-life? Part of it is financial. I didn’t hold a gun to any woman’s head telling her to have sex and get an abortion. I don’t think my tax dollars should be used to pay for it. I also didn’t tell Planned Parenthood to harvest body parts and sell them. Then there’s this, I believe life is sacred. It pains me to learn about the millions of abortions over the last 50+ years.
What ever happened to orphanages? They disappeared. These days we have “foster care” and “adoption”. Not sure how successful those choices are in comparison to fetuses being aborted.
It’s just so gruesome to think about Planned Parenthood chopping up fetus body parts and selling them. I just wonder if our President’s position of pro-life and anti-abortion made any difference in the case being dropped against David and Sandra. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least to learn that it did.