Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

By Gun Owners of California – July 16, 2024

Those are the words we heard more than anything Saturday night at a GOC sponsored event to benefit youth shooting sports.  The assassination attempt on former President Trump happened shortly before the doors opened and most seemed stunned into silence as they entered the building. While the media downplayed the obvious that a bleeding Trump was struck by a bullet, and leftist nutjobs on social media cried in angst that the shooter missed, we were surrounded by over 300 patriots who love our country and the Second Amendment.  It was a good place to be while dealing with the heartbreaking developments as information unfolded.  There is, indeed, evil in this world and while the wicked bottom feeder missed his opportunity to murder the former President, he was successful in brutally taking the life of firefighter Corey Comperatore – a husband, the father of two daughters.  Two other men are currently hospitalized, having been shot by the perpetrator.

It didn’t take long for the narrative to turn.  Talking heads on the Left now want us to believe that since the government was unable to protect Trump, that we should fall in line and support gun control.  Hard pass on that one.  Believing the government can protect us will get us exactly NOTHING.  That’s why GOC will turn from the ugliness of the day and jump back in the trenches and continue to FIGHT.

Go to to read more articles:

Report: FBI Employee In Gun Background Check Unit Expressed Disappointment That Trump Lived

Gun Rights Groups Sue to Block California’s New Firearm Tax

Report: More Than 10 Million Gun Owners/Hunters Not Registered to Vote/Breibart

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