Mon. Mar 17th, 2025


Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev returned to court Thursday for the first time since he was arraigned in July 2013; jury selection starts January 5th.

Raunchy movie comedy about assassinating North Korea’s leader, The Interview, starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, set to open Christmas Day, was canceled.  Federal sources are linking hack attacks to North Korea. Because of the threats of violence against theaters running the film, five movie chains have decided not to run it.  Damon Wayans Jr .  succinctly put it, “We do not negotiate with terrorists. We just do exactly what they say.”

Singer/musician, Stevie Wonder, welcomed his 9th child (2nd with girlfriend Tomeeka Robyn Bracy) and names her NIA which means “purpose.” Stevie is 64 years old.

Two stories about helping the homeless:

1.)  Pope Francis marked his 78th birthday by ordering the distribution of hundreds of sleeping bags to homeless people in Rome, Vatican officials said Thursday. The Vatican/Catholic Church is an $8 billion global institution.

2.)  British, 22 year old university student, Dominique Harrison-Bentzen, found herself in a pickle one night without cash, phone or friends.  A homeless man, Robbie, offered her all of his change for a taxi. She refused, but went back to find him and she spent 24 hours being homeless. As a result of his kindness and generosity, and her experience, she has raised  £50,000 through Twitter and Facebook accounts; enough money to get him a home and help other homeless.

Darren McElfresh and Erik Apperson to be sworn in as Judge and Sheriff on January 5th in Del Norte County, California.



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