Thu. Dec 19th, 2024

By Roger Gitlin, EYE ON DEL NORTE – July 1, 2021

Surprisingly enough, many of you reading this do not know what July 4th is. Not to fret: it’s not all your fault.

California Education Code 52720-30 requires children participate in a daily patriotic exercise and learn about the Flag, it’s meaning, July 4 and all matters United States of America.

In recent decades, the secondary schools, including Del Norte County Unified have failed to offer this daily instruction to our kids. That said, the dynamic of widespread ignorance exists today. There is no shortage of ” useful idiots” as described by Soviet dictator Vladimir Lenin as he and his evil doers set out to destroy our freedoms through Communism, Rights guaranteed by the Constituion.

Sadly, those who hope to destroy America are omnipresent and enjoy a healthy army of useful idiots to support this assault on America.

Back to subject:

July 4 is America’s birthday: She’ll be a spry 245 years old, Sunday.

July 4th celebrates our Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. The 13 Colonies and 37 more territories are now the United States of America.

I met an individual in Fred Meyer, yesterday. He was observing me pulling out and purchasing lots of American flags. He was an Afghanistan vet and told me how much he appreciated watching me celebrate and purchasing flags for America’s birthday. We spoke and exchanged #s.

Indeed, Angie and I will celebrate the USA Sunday with our annual BBQ and anticipate a great show from the Jetty.

I wish America a Happy Birthday.

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