Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

By Linda Sutter – February 8, 2022

With an uprise in crimes in Del Norte County and the lack of response demonstrated by the Del Norte Sheriff Office, the time unfortunately, has come to start filing complaints against Officers who refuse to do their job.

In the last two months, I have received two reports of women and young girls getting raped and DNSO would not allow a rape kit to be conducted. Why?

I have personally been doxxed, and suffered injury to my dog as well as received threats from people I do not know due to the dereliction of duty of a deputy.

And recently, a mad woman who had displayed no signage whatsoever to not trespass on her property displayed a firearm in an aggressive manner with no reprimand or warning from Del Norte Sheriff’s Office and this was her response to being served with documents.

Folks this is not ok. so in the future when an officer refuses to conduct his or her duty follow these steps with the last recourse being that you file with the Attorney General. Keep copies of everything you do and get everything date stamped.

Local Law Enforcement Agency Complaints

If you have a complaint against a police officer or sheriff’s deputy, you should first direct your complaint to the local law enforcement agency regardless of whether you are alleging criminal or non-criminal misconduct. Each law enforcement agency in California is required by Penal Code section 832.5 to establish a procedure to investigate complaints. You can obtain a written description of the procedures from the law enforcement agency.

If you are alleging that a law enforcement officer committed a crime and your complaint is not resolved by your complaint to the agency, you should next contact the county District Attorney in the county where the law enforcement agency is located. Most complaints against local law enforcement can be resolved by contacting the aforementioned agencies.

If these agencies do not act on your complaint within a reasonable period of time, you may file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office. The Attorney General will review citizen complaints against a law enforcement agency or its employees for possible investigation when substantive allegations of unlawful conduct are made and all appropriate local resources for redress have been exhausted.

  1. I was contacted by cc sheriff office and they beat me up while I was kneed in the back and choked by another officer. Way bad beating for no reason.

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