Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

NOTE BY EDITOR:  This is a copy of a letter that was submitted to the Committee regarding the Point of Honor Veterans Memorial Monument:

I would like an accounting of the donations that you have received for the Point of Honor Memorial to be built in Crescent City. I know of many Veterans Organizations alone that have donated in access of $10,000.00. More were received from other groups and citizens of Crescent City and the surrounding areas. You dug a hole then covered it up and tell us that you have disagreed with the person that was designing it and now you must start over. Now you tell us you still need over $50,000 to get the Memorial built. Where is the rest of the money that was entrusted to you to get it erected? No one can tell or give us an accounting of what funds have already been donated. There has been no accounting for the money donated and we have been informed that money is missing from the fund. We have talked with numerous people regarding this matter and they all say the same thing that no one knows where the money has gone. I feel it is our right to know how the money has been spent and it certainly didn’t cost $40,000 to dig a hole and fill it in again. People in the community have been trying to get this built for many years and we still have nothing.

James Brassard

2 thoughts on “Where’s the money?”
  1. Just like every other nonprofit entity in this town, and every county office in Del Norte C ounty the money disappeared. I remember working at Rural Human Services when the Tsunami happened and thousands and thousands of dollars of donations came in along with the money granted to rebuild the harbor. Everything was filtered through the Harrington House and boy did those folks throw a party. The corruption is everywhere and until they phase out the old dogs with their old tricks there will be no accounting of anything. Even in the treasure for the county and city along with various mailman mail women police officers sheriffs department officers district attorneys corrupt judges drunk attorneys, CPS Workers with drug habits that sleep with their clients, child predators working at juvenile hall, task force that robs the crime scenes….You get my point. Our children suffer at the hands of this Older generation of people that were never taught any skills apparently other than to take what they didn’t earn. Even the school district can’t account for where their money went and as a mother I can tell you it didn’t go to the education and the kids

  2. The Committee is disgusting. Is the Committee this dumb/disorganized or did someone pocket the money? What happened to the Teen Club? What two or three times, no one knows??? How crazy is this?

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