Opinion Piece By Donna Westfall – October 25 2021
The question needs to be asked. Are there any Democrats in the House or Senate that have the balls and the guts to try to remove our incompetent and I claim, traitorous, President Biden? Sure it will cost them their career, but then, as we’ve seen the tide is turning as one Democrat after another are losing their seats. Let’s not forget RINO’s are losing their seats as well when they prove to be working with the Democrats against their own party.
How do they turn a blind eye to what Biden’s administration has foisted on this country? Especially the old ones who are so entrenched decade after decade. Aren’t they concerned about the collapse of our Country? The missteps Biden has taken starting with day 1 in office to name just a few:
- The illegals on our Southern Border
- The fiasco in Afghanistan
- The deaths of our 13 soldiers
- The reckless leaving of our armaments worth billions
- The inflation
- The dependence on foreign oil
- The mandates on vax
- The crippled distribution across the country
- The grocery stores with empty shelves.
- The prices of everything going up
- The unemployment
- BUT almost worse than anything is the DELIBERATE Division of our country: White v Black vs Asian; Vax vs No-vax; Gun vs no guns, Christianity/Judaism vs Anti-Religious groups, Antifa and BLM vs Police, and NOW he wants the politicization of our military and for the IRS to get into our bank accounts over $600 .
Will it ever end?
Certainly it won’t end with any of our California Democratic elected representatives because they’re all acting like Socialists and Communists already. So what if our Country turns into a third world Country? Do they care? I don’t think so. It just seems like they want to take us down that dangerous road that Nazi Germany tried and failed. That’s when the government inserts itself into our lives so that we are dependent upon them. Make the people poor and hungry and keep ’em stupid. Remove parental control over their children and send them to what was once public schools now more like indoctrination camps.
It’s going to take the Republican Party to try to oust Biden. Biden was sworn into office on January 20th. Several impeachment attempts have been made starting on January 21, 2021 with Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (who goes by MGT). Now there’s a woman and a politician with guts. She’s tried once citing his corrupt actions involving his quid pro quo in Ukraine and his abuse of power by allowing his son, Hunter Biden, to siphon off cash from America’s greatest enemies Russia and China. She’s tried twice. When she’s not wearing a mask, she gets fined. When she does wear masks, they usually have a message; “Trump Won,” and “End Abortion,” and “FREE SPEECH” as just three examples.

In the House of Representatives
Rep. Greene submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on or about August 20, 2021:
Impeaching Joseph Robinette Biden, President of the United States, for dereliction of duty by
leaving behind thousands of American civilians and Afghan allies, along with numerous
taxpayer-financed weapons and military equipment, endangering the lives of the American
people and the security of the United States.
Resolved, that Joseph Robinette Biden, President of the United States, is impeached for
dereliction of duty by leaving behind thousands of American civilians and Afghan allies, along
with numerous taxpayer-financed weapons and military equipment, endangering the lives of the
American people and the security of the United States, and that the following articles of
impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate:
Articles of impeachment exhibited by the House of Representatives of the United States of
America in the name of itself and of the people of the United States of America, against Joseph
Robinette Biden, President of the United States of America, in maintenance and support of its
impeachment against him for dereliction of duty by leaving behind thousands of American
civilians and Afghan allies, along with numerous taxpayer-financed weapons and military
equipment, endangering the lives of the American people and the security of the United States.
The Constitution provides that the House of Representatives “shall have the sole Power of
Impeachment” and that the President “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and
Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
In his conduct as President of the United States, in violation of his constitutional oath faithfully
to execute the office of the President of the United States, and, to the best of his ability, preserve,
protect, defend, the Constitution of the United States—Joseph Robinette Biden showed
dereliction of duty by leaving behind thousands of American civilians and Afghan allies, along
with numerous taxpayer-financed weapons and military equipment, endangering the lives of the
American people and the security of the United States.”
I like that TREASON is included.
In addition to MGT filing articles of impeachment, there are now four other Republican’s. following suit.
Ohio Rep Bob Gibbs on September 22, 2021 put on Twitter:

I filed articles of impeachment against @POTUS based on what I believe to be clear violations of his duties. There are dynamics in Congress preventing this from being debated. But I could not stand by while Biden commits flagrant & deliberate violations of his oath of office.
Gibbs was joined by Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona

and Reps. Brian Babin of Texas

and Randy Weber of Texas.

To end, the best thing you can do is to contact your representatives and tell them you want them to support the impeachment of Joe Biden. You might include this question: Why wouldn’t you support his impeachment?