Thu. Dec 19th, 2024

By Donna Westfall – February 12, 2018 – Did you know that the City is working on sewer rates for a change?  Did you also know that no one from the City has bothered to contact the local taxpayers association for some ideas?

The date to file for ballot measures on the June election has passed. But, the deadline to file a ballot measure for the November election is on June 28th.

That means the City has to present their plan to the Council for approval pretty soon.

Ratepayers and homeowners paying already exorbitant sewer bills are not keen on seeing any more increases.  Going out and getting enough signatures to protest the rate increase does not work because the City is the one validating or invalidating those signatures.

The solution seems to be to have the sewer rate increase subject to a vote by the people.  June 28th will be here soon enough.






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